Subclass of UITextView to present Star Wars style credits. Includes original Star Wars font (News Gothic) and animation API to crawl from top to bottom slowly.
Note: Suggested to setup through Xib/Storyboard as CALayer transformations will disrupt AutoLayout constrainted frames. IBDesginables might help adjust view in screen
pod 'StarWarsTextView'
Initilize via code or XIB/Storyboard
protocol StarWarsTextViewDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
optional func starWarsTextViewDidStartScrolling(_ textView:StarWarsTextView)
optional func starWarsTextViewDidFinishScrolling(_ textView:StarWarsTextView)
public static func starWarsFont() -> UIFont
public weak var starWarsDelegate: StarWarsTextViewDelegate?
public var scrollingSpeed: CGFloat
public var animationStepsInterval: TimeInterval
public var inclinationRatio: CGFloat
public var xAngle: CGFloat
public var isCrawling: Bool
public func scrollToTop(animated: Bool = false)
public func startCrawlingAnimation()
public func stopCrawlingAnimation()