AusHello is location-based app to connect refugees to find critical local resources in communities around Australia.
Live: Aushello
Demo Login Use the following credentials to explore the app:
- Username:
- Password: password
- Back end: Ruby on Rails
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Front end: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6), Bootstrap
- Hosting: Heroku
- Geocoder control (Mapbox Geocoding API)
- Map & navigation (Mapbox API)
- Tagging plugin (ActsAsTaggable)
- Search engine (Algolia Search)
- Translation multi-language (Internationalization (I18n) API)
- Access Aushello in 5 languages (English عربى தமிழ் Español فارسی)
- Browse resources
- Filter resources by location
- Filter resources by category
- Favourites resources
- Access to all favourites resources in Favourites dashboard
- Add new resource
- Submit update to existing resource
- Admin can review new resources and validate update