You will be doing ( check the run the demo below)
- Provision a complete Kubernetes using Google Container Engine
- Deploy and manage containers (Docker) using kubectl
Kubernetes Version: 1.2.2
Kubernetes is all about applications and you will be utilizing the Kubernetes API to deploy, manage, and upgrade applications.
App is an example 12 Facter application that we'll be using. You will be working with the following Docker images:
- pmatencio60/monolith - Monolith includes auth and hello services.
- pmatencio60/auth - Auth microservice. Generates JWT tokens for authenticated users.
- pmatencio60/hello - Hello microservice. Greets authenticated users.
- ngnix - Frontend to the auth and hello services.
- Prerequisites
- Building and tag container image (Docker)
- Pushing tag image to containers Repository (Docker Hub)
- Creating kubernetes cluster ( 3 nodes in GCE)
- Create a load balancer to the cluster
- Creating secret (https micro services)
- Creating configmap (decouple configuration artifacts from the image content)
- Creating deployments
- Creating services
- Scaling as needed( replicasets)/ autoscaling
- Rolling update
- Rolling back
- Get a docker hub account
- Get a Google cloud platform account
- Enable the Google Compute Engine and Google Container engine API
- Create a new Google Cloud platform project
- Clone the Kubernetes-demo github repository in your cloud shell
- cd ~/go/src; mkdir github; cd github
- git pull
- cd kubernetes-demo/app
- Download and install the latest go release -
- export GOPATH=~/go;
- export GOROOT= - /usr/local/go -
- cd ~/go/src/github/kubernetes-demo/app/monolith
- go build --tags netgo --ldflags '-extldflags "-lm -lstdc++ -static"'
- sudo docker build -t monolith:1.0.0 .
- cd ../auth
- go build --tags netgo --ldflags '-extldflags "-lm -lstdc++ -static"'
- sudo docker build -t auth:1.0.0 .
- cd ../hello
- go build --tags netgo --ldflags '-extldflags "-lm -lstdc++ -static"'
- sudo docker build -t hello:1.0.0
- List the docker images : sudo docker images
- Tag the auth:1.0.0 image
- cd ~/go/src/
- sudo docker tag auth:1.0.0 /auth:1.0.0
- Tag the hello:1.0.0 image
- cd ../hello
- sudo docker tag hello:1.0.0 /hello:1.0.0
- Tag the monolith image
- cd ../monolith
- sudo docker tag monolith:1.0.0 /monolith:1.0.0
Login to the docker hub
- docker login --username=your-hub-username
Push tagged docker images to docker hub
- docker push < your-hub-username>/auth:1.0.0
- docker push /hello:1.0.0
- docker push /monolith:1.0.0
- List the zones: gcloud compute zones list
- Create a container cluster demo-k0 with 3 nodes ( default template)
- gcloud container clusters --zone europe-west1-b create demo-k0
- List the nodes : gcloud compute instances list
- Delete the container cluster demo-k0 in zone europe-west1-b
- gcloud container clusters --zone europe-west1-b delete demo-k0
- Resize a container cluster
- gcloud container clusters resize europe-west1-b --size 4
- gcloud container clusters resize europe-west1-b --node-pool xx --size 4
- Run nginx in a pod
- kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0
- Get the list of running pods: kubectl get pods
- Expose the running nginx as being a load balancer service to the cluster
- kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80 --type LoadBalancer
- Get the list of running services
- kubectl get services
cd ~/go/src/github/kubernetes-demo/kubernetes
Create secret objects - Objects of type secret are intended to hold sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys -
- kubectl create secret generic tls-certs --from-file=tls/
- kubectl get secret
- kubectl describe secret tls-certs
Create the configmap - configuration artifacts that are decoupled from image content in order to keep containerized applications portable
- kubectl create configmap nginx-frontend-conf --from-file=nginx/frontend.conf
- kubectl describe configmap nginx-frontend-conf
Replace the auth and hello deployments with your own docker images
- vim deployments/auth.yaml
- vim deployments/hello.yaml
Create the auth and hello deployments
- kubectl create -f deployments/auth.yaml;kubectl create -f deployments/hello.yaml
Create the auth and hello services
- kubectl create -f services/auth.yaml; kubectl create -f services/hello.yaml
Check the deployments, pods, replicasets and services
- kubectl get deployments
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl get services
- kubectl get replicasets
Create the frontend deployment and service
- kubectl create -f deployments/frontend.yaml
- kubectl create -f services/frontend.yaml
Get the external IP address of the frontend service
- kubectl get services frontend
Read the container log
- Kubectl logs
curl -k https:// {"message":"Hello"}
curl -k https:///secure authorization failed, you must login first
curl -k https:///login - u user (password: password)
TOKEN=$(curl -k https:///login -u user | jq -r “.token”)
curl -k -H “Authorization:Bearer $TOKEN” http:// https:///secure
Scaling out the microservices
- kubectl scale deployment/frontend --replicas=2
- kubectl scale deployment/auth --replicas=2
- kubectl scale deployment/hello --replicas=5
Scaling down
- kubectl scale deployment/hello --replicas=3
- kubectl edit deployment/auth( change the docker image)
- kubectl apply -f deployments/auth.yaml
- kubectl rollout undo deployment/auth
Horizontal pod autoscaling allows to automatically scale the number of pods in a replication controller, deployment or replica set based on observed CPU utilization. In the future also other metrics will be supported.
kubectl create -f horizontalPodAutoscaler/hello.yaml
kubectl delete horizontalpodautoscalers hello
kubectl describe horizontalpodautoscalers hello
start another terminal ( Google console)
Run /bin/sh in a pod and call the hello microservice in a loop
- kubectl run -i --tty load-generator --image=busybox /bin/sh
- while true; do wget -q -O- http://hello.default.svc.cluster.local; done
- + C to stop the load
- Resume : kubectl attach load-generator-xxxxx -c load-generator -i -t
kubectl delete deployments load-generator
gcloud compute instances list
kubectl drain/cordon
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl get services
- kubectl get replicasets
kubectl uncordon
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl get services
- kubectl get replicasets