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Passio Nutrition-AI iOS SDK

Now available as Swift package at:


Welcome to Passio Nutrition-AI iOS SDK!

Feel free to watch the video we posted with the integration directions:

When integrated into your app the SDK provides you with food recognition and nutrition assistant technology. The SDK creates a video preview layer and outputs foods recognized by our computer vision technology in the video feed of your live camera along with nutrition data related to the recognized foods.

As the developer, you have complete control of when to turn on/off the SDK and to configure the outputs which includes:

  • food names (e.g. banana, hamburger, fruit salad, quest chocolate bar)
  • lists of alternatives for recognized foods (e.g., soy milk would be an alternative of a visually recognized class milk)
  • barcodes detected on food packages
  • packaged foods recognized by the text detected on food packages
  • nutrition information detected on food packages via Passio's Nutrition Facts reader which returns information written in Nutrition Facts labels
  • nutrition information associated with the foods
  • food weight and volume for certain foods

By default the SDK does not record/store any photos or videos. Instead, as the end user hovers over a food item with his/her camera phone, the SDK recognizes and identifies food items in real time. This hovering action is only transitory/temporary while the end user is pointing the camera at a particular item and is not recorded or stored within the SDK. As a developer, you can configure the SDK to capture images or videos and store them in your app.


  1. Passio Nutrition-AI SDK added data from Open Food Facts ( Each food that contains data from Open Food Facts will be marked by public var isOpenFood: Bool.. In case you choose to set isOpenFood = true you agree to abide by the terms of the Open Food Facts license agreement ( and their terms of use ( and you will have to add to the UI the following license copy:

"This record contains information from Open Food Facts (, which is made available here under the Open Database License ("

  1. To use the SDK sign up at The SDK WILL NOT WORK without a valid SDK key.

Minimum Requirements

In order to use the PassioSDK your app needs to meet the following minimal requirements:

  • The SDK will only run on iOS 13 or newer.
  • Passio SDK can only be used on a device and will not run on a simulator
  • The SDK requires access to iPhone's camera
  • Weight/Volume estimation will run only on iPhones with Dual Wide Camera (not on DualCamera).
    • iPhone 11 Pro & Pro Max
    • iPhone 12 mini, Pro & pro Max
    • iPhone 13 Pro & Pro Max
    • iPhone 14, Pro, Pro Max & Plus

Quick Start Guide

Getting the ml models to the device

The SDK will automatically download the models according to the SDK version, by default the SDK will download compressed files. The download is faster and lighter, and it will take several seconds to decompress on the device. To download uncompressed files and shorter processing on the device you can set a flag below to false.

PassioNutritionAI.shared.requestCompressedFiles = false

After obtaining special approval the developer can also host the models on an internal server.

var passioConfig = PassioConfiguration(key: "your_key")
passioConfig.sdkDownloadsModels = false

In that case, the models be served directly to the SDK. To find out more about this special configuration please contact us.

Try first to run the Quick Start Demo (Deprecated)

A fast and easy way to get started with the SDK is to test it using the Quick start project. Here are the steps:

  1. Download the Quick start project from this URL:
  2. Open the project in Xcode
  3. Find YOUR_PASSIO_KEY inside ImageSelectionVC.swift and replace the SDK Key with the key you obtained by signing up at
  4. Modify the app bundle from "com.PassioDemoApp.demo" to "com.yourcompany...."
  5. Connect your iPhone and run the demo app on your iPhone
  6. For support, please contact

Adding the PassioNutritionAISDK (based on your Xcode version).

Manual Installation For Xcode lower than 14.3:

Please follow the steps in the file "" otherwise you might get the error the below.

error project: Failed to resolve dependencies 
Install Swift Package for Xcode 14.3 or newer (available on MacOS Ventura)
  1. Open your Xcode project.
  2. Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.
  3. In the "Add Package Dependency" dialog box, paste the URL:
  4. Click "Next". Xcode will validate the package and its dependencies.
  5. In the next dialog box, you'll be asked to specify the version or branch you want to use. You can choose main for the latest version or specify a specific version or branch.
  6. After you've made your selection, click "Next".
  7. You'll then be prompted to select the targets in your project that should include the package. Check the boxes for the targets you want to include.
  8. Click "Finish" to add the package to your project.
  9. Xcode will download and add the PassioNutritionAISDK to your project. You can now import and start using the PassioNutritionAISDK.

Edit your Info.plist

  • If opening from Xcode, right click and select 'open as source code'
  • To allow camera usage add:
`<key>>NSCameraUsageDescription</key><string>For real-time food recognition</string>`.

Initialize and configure the SDK

  1. At the top of your view controller import the PassioNutritionAISDK and AVFoundation
import PassioNutritionAISDK
import AVFoundation
  1. Add the following properties to your view controller.
let passioSDK = PassioNutritionAI.shared
var videoLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer?
  1. In viewDidLoad configure the SDK with the Key you obtained by signing up at
override func viewDidLoad() {
        let key = "Your_PassioSDK_Key"
        //* To obtain a key please sign up at 
        let passioConfig = PassioConfiguration(key: key)
        passioSDK.configure(passioConfiguration: passioConfig) { (status) in
            print("Mode = \(status.mode)\nmissingfiles = \(String(describing: status.missingFiles))" )
  1. You will receive the PassioStatus back from the SDK.
public struct PassioStatus {
    public internal(set) var mode: PassioSDK.PassioMode { get }
    public internal(set) var missingFiles: [PassioSDK.FileName]? { get }
    public internal(set) var debugMessage: String? { get }
    public internal(set) var activeModels: Int? { get }

public enum PassioMode {
    case notReady
    case isBeingConfigured
    case isDownloadingModels
    case isReadyForDetection
    case failedToConfigure
  1. In viewWillAppear request authorization to use the camera and start the recognition:
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) == .authorized {
        } else {
            AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { (granted) in
                if granted {
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                } else {
                    print("The user didn't grant access to use camera")
  1. Add the method startFoodDetection()
  func startFoodDetection() {
        setupPreviewLayer() .userInitiated).async {
            self.passioSDK.startFoodDetection(foodRecognitionDelegate: self) { (ready) in
                if !ready {
                    print("SDK was not configured correctly")
  1. Add the method setupPreviewLayer:
 // MARK: PassioSDK: setup PreviewLayer
    func setupPreviewLayer() {
        guard videoLayer == nil else { return }
        if let videoLayer = passioSDK.getPreviewLayer() {
            self.videoLayer = videoLayer
            videoLayer.frame = view.bounds
            view.layer.insertSublayer(videoLayer, at: 0)
  1. Stop Food Detection in viewWillDisappear:
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
      videoLayer = nil
  1. Implement the delegate FoodRecognitionDelegate:
extension PassioQuickStartViewController: FoodRecognitionDelegate {

  func recognitionResults(candidates: FoodCandidates?,
                          image: UIImage?) {
      if let detectedCandidates = candidates?.detectedCandidates {
         detectedCandidates.forEach {
              if let pidAtt = self.passioSDK.lookupPassioIDAttributesFor(passioID: $0.passioID) {
                  print("Food name =\(")


To see all the capabilities of the SDK run the PassioSDKFullDemo

Start by adding your key to the PassioExternalConnector class

class PassioExternalConnector 

var passioKeyForSDK: String {

Review the RotationViewController super class is contains all the elements for adding the PassioNutritionAISDK to a view controller.

Note: If you use the SDK only in one view you could move all the code from viewDidAppear to viewWillAppear.

It is also containing the code to support device rotations.

import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import PassioNutritionAISDK

class RotationViewController: UIViewController {

    let passioSDK = PassioNutritionAI.shared
    var volumeDetectionMode =
    var videoLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer? {
        didSet {
            backgroundImage?.fadeOut(seconds: 0.3)
            // backgroundImage?.isHidden = videoLayer == nil ? false : true

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(deviceRotated),
                                               name: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification,
                                               object: nil)
        if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) == .authorized { // already authorized
        } else {
            AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { (granted) in
                if granted { // access to video granted
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                } else {
                    print("The user didn't grant access to use camera")

    override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
        backgroundImage.fadeIn(seconds: 0.2)
                                                  name: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification,
                                                  object: nil)
        videoLayer = nil

    func startDetection() {


    func stopDetection() {


    func setupVideoLayer() {
        guard videoLayer == nil else { return }
        print("setupVideoLayer volumeDetectionMode  == \(volumeDetectionMode)" )
        if let vLayer = passioSDK.getPreviewLayerWithGravity(volumeDetectionMode: volumeDetectionMode,
        videoGravity: .resizeAspectFill) {
            videoLayer = vLayer
            vLayer.frame = view.bounds
            view.layer.insertSublayer(vLayer, at: 0)

Using the full demo app point at parts of the image below to test recognition

  • Food (non packaged)
  • Barcode
  • Packaged food
  • Nutrition facts

Use this image to test recognition

Nutrition Advisor

Initialize and configure the Nutrition Advisor

Note: Make sure you don't utilize the PassioNutritionAISDK Key. Instead, enter the key you obtained from Passio for NutritionAdvisor.

  • In viewDidLoad configure the Nutrition Advisor with the Key.
override func viewDidLoad() {
    let key = "Your_Nutrition_Advisor_Key"
    NutritionAdvisor.shared.initConversation { status in
         // initConversation status

After configuring the Nutrition Advisor

  1. Use this method to send message to Nutrition Advisor
    NutritionAdvisor.shared.sendMessage(message: message) { [weak self] advisorResponse in
        /// If the response is successful, you will receive PassioAdvisorResponse
        /// containing food information otherwise you will get error message
  2. Use this method to send image to Nutrition Advisor
    NutritionAdvisor.shared.sendImage(image: image) { [weak self] advisorResponse in
        /// If the response is successful, you will receive PassioAdvisorResponse
        /// containing food information otherwise you will get error message

© 2024 Passio, Inc. All rights reserved.