Freedom.php is made as View files Generator For now.
cmd execute php Freedom.php --description of commands will be given.
path: app/Routes/web.php
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Route method path Controller action-method
public function index()
$base = 'hello World !!!';
$go = " 2018";
return view("indexPage.php", compact('base', 'go'));
At this example the index action at the MainIndexController will,
return a view with the variables $base, $go available to the view file.
public function indexPost($request)
$base = 'hello World !!!';
$go = "2018 ";
if (isset($request) && isset($request->greets)){
$base = $request->greets;
return redirect()->to('public/')->with(['status' => $base])->send();
At this example the indexPost action at the MainIndexController will,
redirect to public/ and at the session will be available the status -key with the value of $base var.
public function callDB()
$db = new DB();
$db->connection('localhost', 'dbprojectlearn', 'root', '');
$data = $db->table('users')
return redirect()->to('public/')->with(['status' => $data])->send();
At this example the callDB action at the MainIndexController will,
redirect to public/ and at the session will be available the status -key with the value of $data var,
that has all the retrieved records from the database at the table users that the id equals to 1.
namespace Models;
class User extends Model
public static $table = 'users';
public $id;
public $username;
public $pass;
public $user_nick_name;
public function __construct()
parent::$table = self::$table;
parent::$modelName = self::class;
return $this;
public function getProps(){
return get_object_vars($this);
At this example its a basic Model.
Define the properties that the model will have, but follow the database Schema.
$userModel = new \Models\User();
$userModel->username = 'some';
$userModel->user_nick_name = 'one';
$userModel->pass = 'someone';
echo ($userModel->id);
After the saving procedure the $userModel will set the "public $id;".
So the user's model id will be the record id at the table users that it was just created.
$userModel = new \Models\User();
$userModel->find(1); //retrive the record by the id 1 from users table.
$userModel->val = 1;
$result = $userModel->save();
After the update procedure the $userModel will be updated withe new values to the database.
So "$result" will be set with the integer of the affected rows from the update query else it will return false.
$userModel = new \Models\User();
$usersRecords = $userModel::all();
$userModel = new \Models\User();
$usersRecords = $userModel->select_where('user_nick_name','=','Freedom');
Will return an array of User Model Records or will return false;
example: at jsonVal column there is this json record-> {"obj": {"obj1": {"gg": 1, "thename": "go"}}, "name": "gogo"}
$userModel = new \Models\User();
$results = $userModel->select_where(jsonFieldsDB('jsonval',''),'=',1);
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column name json
Will return an array of User Model Records or will return false;
TODO: extending model's functionalities
$postReq = new Request(); //create a request instance
$result = $postReq->create('http://localhost/project-learn/public/valcheck') //set the url
->type() // http or https Default is http
->method('POST') // set the Method
->headers("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded") set the headers it accepts also array for more
->content(['valMain' => 'some_val']) // the data to be sent
->commit(); //finaly making the http request
//the data that will return its a PHP variable ready to be used example: --$result--
For Example A method that accepts http request:
public function valueCheckTest($request)
if (isset($request->valMain)){
return Request::response(array('Hello Bill', 1, array('33')));
return false;
From the Controllers the responces Can be Used Like:
return response(array('Hello Bill', 1, array('33'))); // like a function