This is open source lib implement from PandaDevelopment's lua v2 lib
Provided basic function like GetKey, Key Validation
Install Using jitpack
Start by add this to build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Then add implementation to dependencies
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SayHiEveryday:PandaKey-Implement:VERSION'
Change the version to latest version see Release
Start by adding jitpack repository to build file
Then add dependency
See jitpack packages for more information
Start by Import necessary class and creating instance of PandaKey
import me.sallyio.PandaKey.PandaKey;
import me.sallyio.PandaKey.common.IdentifierProvider;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Retrieve a unique hardware identifier using the IdentifierProvider class.
String identifier = IdentifierProvider.getHardwareIdentifier();
// Create PandaKey Object with service name and hardware identifier.
PandaKey pandakey = PandaKey.newBuilder("Service name")
// Generate the key link using the PandaKey instance.
String keyLink = pandakey.getKey();
System.out.println("Key Link: " + keyLink);
We offer utility classes such as BrowserUtil to streamline the process of launching a web browser within your application.
import me.sallyio.PandaKey.common.BrowserUtil;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an instance of PandaKey with a specified service name and identifier
PandaKey pandakey = PandaKey.newBuilder("Your Service Name")
// Open the browser using the generated key;