This Ansible role applies security best practice templates to Palo Alto Networks devices.
This role leverages the Iron Skillet best practice templates to ensure that PAN-OS firewalls are configured in accordance with Palo Alto Networks best practice recommendations. These templates are downloaded from the following GitHub repo when the playbook is executed and applied to each device or to a Panorama management console.
A Best Practices Assessment may be run following the application of these templates in order to gauge the effectiveness of the resulting configuration.
This role utilizes the Python libraries listed below. All are available via PyPI and may be installed using the pip
installer. The use of virtualenv
is recommended in order to avoid system library conflicts.
- pandevice - Framework for interacting with Palo Alto Networks devices via API
- pan-python - Multi-tool set for Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS, Panorama, WildFire and AutoFocus
- xmltodict - Convert between XML string and Python dict
- passlib - Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
The variables used in this role are listed in the table below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml). Variables in lowercase are playbook variables while UPPERCASE variables are used for Jinja2 variable substitution in the configuration templates. Some variables are marked as Panorama only while others are applicable to both Panorama and firewalls.
Variable | Type | Default | Panorama | Panos | Description |
device_type | panorama,panos | panorama | x | x | Panorama or firewall config |
template_version | panos_v9.0,panos_v8.1,panos_v8.0 | panos_v9.0 | x | x | Template version |
CONFIG_PANORAMA_IP | yes,no | yes | x | Panorama management interface config | |
PANORAMA_TYPE | static,cloud | static | x | Panorama management IP type | |
PANORAMA_NAME | string | panorama01 | x | Panorama hostname | |
PANORAMA_IP | string | | x | Panorama IP | |
PANORAMA_MASK | string | | x | Panorama netmask | |
PANORAMA_DG | string | | x | Panorama default gateway | |
CONFIG_EXPORT_IP | string | | x | IP address for scheduled config exports | |
STACK | string | sample_stack | x | Template stack for Panorama | |
DEVICE_GROUP | string | sample_devicegroup | x | Device-group name for Panorama | |
FW_NAME | string | panos-01 | x | x | Firewall hostname |
MGMT_TYPE | dhcp-client,static | dhcp-client | x | x | Firewall management IP type |
MGMT_IP | string | | x | x | Firewall management IP |
MGMT_MASK | string | | x | x | Firewall management netmask |
MGMT_DG | string | | x | x | Firewall management default gateway |
NTP_1 | string | | x | x | Network Time Protocol Server |
NTP_2 | string | | x | x | Network Time Protocol Server 2 |
ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME | string | admin | x | x | Admin username |
ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD | password | admin | x | x | Admin password |
DNS_1 | string | | x | x | Primary DNS server |
DNS_2 | string | | x | x | Secondary dns server |
SINKHOLE_IPV4 | string | | x | x | Sinkhole address IPv4 |
SINKHOLE_IPV6 | string | 2600:5200::1 | x | x | Sinkhole address IPv6 |
INTERNET_ZONE | string | untrust | x | x | Untrust zone to filter out in reports |
EMAIL_PROFILE_GATEWAY | string | | x | x | Email gateway address for critical alerts |
EMAIL_PROFILE_FROM | string | | x | x | From address in email alerts |
EMAIL_PROFILE_TO | string | | x | x | To address in email alerts |
SYSLOG_SERVER | string | | x | x | Syslog server IP address |
API_KEY_LIFETIME | string | 525600 | x | x | Lifetime for the API key in minutes |
INCLUDE_PAN_EDL | yes,no | yes | x | x | Include the predefined Palo Alto Networks external lists security rules |
This role is dependent on the official Palo Alto Networks Ansible modules, which are contained in the following Galaxy role:
The Palo Alto Networks Ansible modules utilize a provider dict
for passing inventory and authentication credentials. This dict
may be defined once in the playbook with values for the variables ip_address
, username
, and password
passed in via any supported method.
ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
username: '{{ username }}'
password: '{{ password }}'
The following are examples of Ansible playbooks that leverage this role to apply security best practice templates to Panorama and a firewall:
- name: Stage Panorama with best practice templates for PAN-OS 9.0
hosts: all
connection: local
gather_facts: False
ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
username: '{{ username }}'
password: '{{ password }}'
device_type: 'panorama'
template_version: 'panos_v9.0'
- panorama_vars.yml
- role: PaloAltoNetworks.spatula
- name: Stage firewall with best practice templates for PAN-OS 8.1
hosts: all
connection: local
gather_facts: False
ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
username: '{{ admin }}'
password: '{{ password }}'
device_type: 'panos'
template_version: 'panos_v8.1'
- fw_vars.yml
- role: PaloAltoNetworks.spatula
Apache 2.0
Role created by Robert Hagen (@stealthllama).