PyMCFunction is a tool to write Minecraft datapacks in Python.
Check pymcfunction/pyfunction/pmf --help
Hopefully coming soon, for now, ask somthing like IntelliSense.
These are the currently supported commands. Feel free to create a PR, the goal is to support every command.
- /advancement
- /attribute
- /ban
- /ban-ip
- /banlist
- /bossbar
- /clear
- /clone
- /data
- /datapack
- /debug
- /defaultgamemode
- /deop
- /difficulty
- /effect
- /enchant
- /execute
- /experience (/xp)
- /fill
- /forceload
- /function
- /gamemode
- /gamerule
- /give
- /item
- /kick
- /kill
- /locate
- /loot
- /op
- /pardon
- /pardon-ip
- /particle
- /place
- /playsound
- /publish
- /recipe
- /save-all
- /save-off
- /save-on
- /say
- /schedule
- /scoreboard
- /seed
- /setblock
- /setidletimeout
- /setworldspawn
- /spawnpoint
- /spectate
- /spreadplayers
- /stop
- /stopsound
- /summon
- /tag
- /team
- /teammsg (/tm)
- /teleport (/tp)
- /tellraw
- /time
- /title
- /trigger
- /weather
- /whitelist
- /worldborder
If you have any feedback, feature request, or think you know how a feature could be improved, feel free to open an issue.