In this project, a web page dedicated to show information about different car manufacturers was developed using HTML, CSS and the Bootstrap framework.
Manufacturer Selection: On the main page (index.html), four car manufacturer options are presented: Renault, Citroen, Peugeot and Bugatti. These options are implemented as buttons or links that redirect to individual pages dedicated to each manufacturer.
Individual Manufacturer Pages: Each manufacturer has its own HTML page, which includes a description of the brand and a representative photo of a car of that brand. This information is presented in an attractive way using Bootstrap layout and components.
Design with Bootstrap: The Bootstrap framework is used to streamline development and improve the appearance of the web page. Bootstrap's predefined components, such as buttons, cards, and navigation bars, are leveraged to ensure a consistent and responsive design across all pages of the site.
Simple Navigation: Clear and simple navigation is implemented, allowing users to move between different manufacturer pages and return to the main index easily.
Responsive Design: Bootstrap provides built-in functionality to create responsive designs, ensuring that the website looks good and is easy to use on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
User Experience Optimization: Attention is paid to usability and user experience to ensure intuitive navigation and clear presentation of information on all pages of the website.