block_fact: implement random factory (0bf3b2a )
block: implement move down (0140301 )
block: initiate iblock class (873642d )
board: implement block cell checking (c9578e0 )
board: implement clear method (9d7c6cb )
board: implement isEmpty (c2533b0 )
board: implement isFull (07476d1 )
board: implement isInside (8189db4 )
board: implement writePosition (c18eab6 )
board: implement writePosition (480f1fb )
game: add collisions to move block (a989a8a )
game: add facade bridge (24fc963 )
game: add getGrid() method (db481d8 )
game: add has finished check method (f93bd69 )
game: add move block to any direction (f49440d )
game: add move down next check (a1244be )
game: add rotation collision (838a242 )
game: add score system (4b3ec1b )
game: add write block (46b4c93 )
iblock: add y axis positions (9e4e259 )
iblock: implement double rotation (43cbcf6 )
iblock: implement initial position (e774594 )
iblock: implement move (d95237d )
iblock: implement rotation to left (75829b7 )
iblock: implement simple left rotation (aab8748 )
iblock: implement x axes movement (f807881 )
jblock: implement double rotation (082597c )
jblock: implement first state (c2635cc )
jblock: implement simple movement (a7916a9 )
jblock: implement simple rotation (27431df )
lblock: implement double rotation (8cc4ea3 )
lblock: implement simple movement (b5c7ea9 )
lblock: implement simple rotation (5105eb2 )
lblock: initialize position (3897c44 )
position: implement addAxes (cf143ed )
position: implement move (6259920 )
sblock: implement Double Rotation (44e6797 )
sblock: implement movement (ff6d73d )
sblock: implemented first status (a84ef86 )
sblock: simple rotation (e370a69 )
score: implement simple score calculator (269789f )
squareblock: implement initial positions (0bbcef9 )
squareblock: implement move (d6463ff )
squareblock: rotation (f5ecc4c )
tblock: implement double rotation (0fdc80a )
tblock: implement initial position (5d80824 )
tblock: implement movement (d1a49fd )
tblock: implement simple rotation (c19b9ba )
zblock: double rotation (0595d62 )
zblock: implement move (7cf3a13 )
zblock: initial position (84828e5 )
zblock: simple rotation (7aabcb7 )
Bug Fixes
lblock: initial position test cases (da9dd32 )
position: test with columns and rows (116cefb )
random_factory: references to blocks (895dc8b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.