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LDAP user XXX not found or password invalid #8

Answered by cptdpicard
cptdpicard asked this question in Q&A
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mod_psldap authenticates the user by opening up a LDAP connection using the provided credentials. One of the credentials is an attribute in the user's record. In order to get the dn to perform a login, mod_psldap must first search the LDAP store for the records with an attribute value that matches the one provided by the user. It will perform this search first using the parameters provided in the PsLDAPBind* attributes and then attempt an anonymous search of the LDAP store.

A failure to autheticate likely indicates one of two conditions:

  • The account specified with PsLDAPBindDN and PsLDAPBindPassword does not have search rights on the LDAP store for the attribute specified in PsLDAPUserKey.

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Answer selected by cptdpicard
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good first issue Good for newcomers question Further information is requested
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