This mods crDroid with tweaks and extra applications that NikGapps didn't install upon installation!
This mod allows you to mod crDroid 11.1 and add additional customization to crDroid build prop and add new apps that NikGapps did not install, however this mod has limitations so please read this carefully so that you are aware of these limitations!
This mod has limitations that require us to inform you before using this mod these limitations are as follows:
Mod is crdroid build specific, this means that we update the build based on the date the build has been released for public use, you should NEVER EVER install this mod that has a different build date then the current build date available on this repo.
Mod requires a specific kind of gapps that properly resizes your system partitions sccordingly as this mod was created around this principle we recommend downloading this one from ionut:
Mod cannot be reverted back before you installed this mod, only way to revert is reflash crdroid as a clean install, you understand this limitation to it's full extent when using this mod.
Upon installing this mod this modification to crDroid, this limits you from reporting to the developer of bugs present in the current build you have installed as mods to the firmware cannot properly distingish wither if the issue is actually from the OS itself or from the mod itself, thus developer may ignore your report!
We are not responsible if things go wrong such as an unexpected bootloop, system behavior or loss of files/damage to the firmware due to this mod, though we tested this on my personal device, it's clear with anykind of mod this is a risk always, We always encourge to backup any data before using this or any mod that alters your device(s) firmware.
This mod will not trip/trigger existing Google Play Integrity verification that is is the GREEN as some mods to build prop can trigger GPIV and lose verification, this mod does not trigger GPIUV and you will remain in the GREEN!
This mod is device specific, do not install any builds we offer on a device that is not listed each build will have its platform at the end of the filename and in the title of the release.
If you are using the Pixel 7 version, We recommend you to use this gapps package for the install to be successful since the pixel 7 doesn't have a lot of storage that the pixel 9 has:
The following applications/features are installed when you install this mod:
- Google Wallet
- Gmail
- Google Play Protect Service
- Google Play Games
- Google Pixel 2,3 & 4 Live Wallpapers
- Xperia Play Live Wallpaper (PS3 Like Design)
- Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation
- Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release)
- Fixed permissions for included applications etc.
When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens:
- Build prop tweaks
- Pixel 9 Official Stock bootanimation
To install you will need the following things:
- PC/Laptop
- Google OEM USB Drivers already installed
- crDriod already installed with gapps installed as well (installed separately)
- Up-To-Date platform-tools for adb functionality
- crDroids custom recovery.
To install place the zip into your platform-tools folder and then open a terminal and type this, but before you do make sure you install this package after you flash you gapps oackage not before!:
Windows: .\adb -d sideload
Other OS (if above fails): adb -d sideload
If successful it will begin to run the installer, it will only take less than a minute to comeplete.
If you wish for you variant of the Pixel 7/9 to be supported you will need to take the initiative to pass your build prop to me on every new update otherwise your device will not be updated!