- Pablo Rocha A01028638
- Miguel Arriaga A01028570
- Luis Javier Karam A01751941
Github repository for the "TC2005B Construcción de software y toma de decisiones" final project, a videogame for Percussive Arts Society.
Link to presentation video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLAVMNRuGy4
- The final documentation can be found under the following path: Construccion-de-software/Documentation/Final documentation
- The instructions to run the project can be found under the following path: Construccion-de-software/Documentation/Instructions
- The game design document can be found under the following path: Construccion-de-software/Documentation/GameDesign.md
- A one pager document can be found under the following path: Construccion-de-software/Documentation/one-page-PAS.pdf
- SCRUM meetings documentation can be found under the path: Construccion-de-software/Documentation/SCRUM Documentation
- Additionally, the SCRUM documentation can be found here: https://www.notion.so/Documentaci-n-Party-of-the-drumancer-0273914c292549298ddc3217197c1b4c
- SCRUM board - https://trello.com/b/UmyvtmKg
- Use cases UML diagram - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fw1fh4GsFW3W6OVMM372a9XNNlQvyU_8/view?usp=sharing
Clone or fork this repository and install node, mysql, react and npm in your computer.
- Run the PAS_drummancer_DB.sql mysql script, under the path: Construccion-de-software/db-module/PAS_drummancer_DB.sql
- This will create the database in your computer.
- Go to the following path: Construccion-de-software/web-module/dataAcquisition/back/
- Create a .env file in the directory. There is a .env example and readme file to help you do this.
- Run the following commands in the directory:
npm install
npm run dev
- These commands will run the API in your computer.
- Go to the following path: Construccion-de-software/web-module/game-web-page/
- Run the following commands:
npm install
npm run start
- These commands will run the webpage in which you can play the game.
- (Optional) Go to the following path: Construccion-de-software/web-module/dataAcquisition/front/
- Run the following commands:
npm install
npm run start
- These commands will open the admin. webpage for the game.
- The game connects itself with the API, allowing you to sing in and login with your same account latter.
- Depending on your score you can unlock the next level for the game. This will be registered in the database.
- The admin. view allows you to see statistics in tables and charts, such as high scores and users.
- The admin can also add new levels, users amd games or even edit or delete them.
- Documentation - Final documentation of the game
- db-module - Database module
- web-module - Web module
- videogame-module - Videogames module
- software-engineering-module - Software Engineering module