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Slapper 1.2.0 — 1.2.6

XxmellonxX edited this page Dec 5, 2015 · 1 revision


Features of this plugin:

  • Spawn all mobs, and Humans, which are fake players
  • Run commands when you hit the entities
  • Name the entities, and have the name always show above them


  • /slapper <type/remove> [name]
  • /nothing
  • /rca <player> <command>


Perm Description Default
slapper.create Allow using /slapper op
slapper.nothing Allow using /nothing op
slapper.hit Allow harming NPCs false
slapper.rca Allow using /rca op
slapper.remove Allow using /slapper remove op


  • When making any Slapper entity, you can use {color} in the name, and it will be replaced with §.
  • In the name of a Slapper entity, you can use {line} to make a new line.
  • For the config, new lines and colors DO NOT matter (Example: Entity named "§aHello!
    §bColors!", in the config:
Hello! Lots of Lines And Colors!:
- command



Slapper, as you know, is a very easy-to-use plugin. The only thing that may be hard for you is the config editing. By reading this, you will know how to do THAT in a minute!!!

First, open the config you have:

# Slapper commands:

# {player} will be replaced with the name of the player who hit the Slapper.
# You can also use "rca {player} <command>" to run the command AS the player.
# Use "nothing" to not run any command.

#FallbackCommand will be used if no command was found for the Slapper.

- nothing

- rca {player} me is cool

- me thinks {player} is cool

Seems hard, huh? NO!
A simple example: You have a Slapper named "abc". You want to run a command when you tap on it. Solution: Just change it to this:

# Slapper commands:

# {player} will be replaced with the name of the player who hit the Slapper.
# You can also use "rca {player} <command>" to run the command AS the player.
# Use "nothing" to not run any command.

#FallbackCommand will be used if no command was found for the human NPC.

- nothing

- rca {player} me Tapped the Slapper called 'abc'!

Sooooo simple! Found it? Just change the title to your Slapper's name and use the same format to add commands and more Slapper entities. So, since you learned how to edit the config for Slapper, see you next time!