diff --git a/locale/cnr/translation.toml b/locale/cnr/translation.toml index afc2f85d9..4241c2eb5 100644 --- a/locale/cnr/translation.toml +++ b/locale/cnr/translation.toml @@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Izveštaj o transparentnosti" # Transparency Report hit = "Ping koji označava učitavanje aplikacije, ne salju se nikakvi jedinstveni podatci." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "Vreme u sekundama koje je trajalo da se MPW poslednji put sinhronizuje." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Ping koji označava Tx, ne salju se nikakvi jedinstveni podatci, ali se može zaključiti na osnovu vremena na lancu." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Oporavak naloga nije uspijeo" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Došlo je do greške prilikom oporavka vašeg naloga.
Molimo vas da ponovo uvezete svoj novčanik koristeći sledeći ključ:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Vreme" # Time description = "Opis" # Description @@ -307,8 +305,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Potvrdite vašu transakciju" # Confirm your transac CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Vaš privatni ključ glavnog čvora" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Sačuvajte ovaj privatni ključ i kopirajte ga u konfiguraciju vašeg VPS-a
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Verifikujte vašu adresu" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Neuspešno oporavljanje vašeg glavnog čvora. Molimo vas da ga ponovo uvezete." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Neuspešno oporavljanje vašeg naloga. Molimo vas da ga ponovo uvezete." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "Aplikacija je instalirana!" # App Installed! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "Ovo će izbrisati sve vaše podatke, uključujući glavne čvorove, kontakte i privatne ključeve!" # This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT_TITLE = "Da li ste sigurni?" # Are you sure? diff --git a/locale/de/translation.toml b/locale/de/translation.toml index 264fccf02..f5a92acfc 100644 --- a/locale/de/translation.toml +++ b/locale/de/translation.toml @@ -129,8 +129,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Transparenz-Bericht" # Transparency Report hit = "Ein Ping, welcher das laden der APP darstellt. Keine spezifischen Daten werden gesendet." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "Die Zeit in Sekunden, die MPW für den letzten Abgleich gebraucht hat" # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Ein Ping, welcher eine Transaktion darstellt. Keine spezifischen werden gesendet, könnten aber durch Informationen der Blockchain geschlussfolgert werden." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Wiederherstellen des Accouts fehlgeschlagen" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Ein Fehler ist während der Wiederherstellung aufgetreten.
Bitte importiere deine Geldbörse mit dem folgenden Schlüssel erneut:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Zeit" # Time description = "Beschreibung" # Description @@ -307,8 +305,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Bestätige deine Transaktion" # Confirm your transa CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Der private Schlüssel der Masternode" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Sichere diesen Schlüssel und kopiere selbigen in die Konfiguration der Masternode
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Überprüfe die Adresse" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Wiederherstellen der Masternode fehlgeschlagen. Bitte importiere sie erneut." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Wiederherstellen deines Accounts fehlgeschlagen. Bitte importiere ihn erneut." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "Anwendung installiert!" # App Installed! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "Dies wird alle deine Daten löschen. Eingeschlossen Masternode, Kontakte und private Schlüssel!" # This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT_TITLE = "Bist du wirklich sicher?" # Are you sure? diff --git a/locale/en/translation.toml b/locale/en/translation.toml index b401d804f..4ef49668e 100644 --- a/locale/en/translation.toml +++ b/locale/en/translation.toml @@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Transparency Report" # Transparency Report hit = "A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Failed to recover account" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Time" # Time description = "Description" # Description @@ -307,8 +305,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Confirm your transaction" # Confirm your transactio CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Your Masternode Private Key" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Verify your address" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "App Installed!" # App Installed! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys!" # This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT_TITLE = "Are you sure?" # Are you sure? diff --git a/locale/es-mx/translation.toml b/locale/es-mx/translation.toml index 9ca3cdd98..04bb70c37 100644 --- a/locale/es-mx/translation.toml +++ b/locale/es-mx/translation.toml @@ -133,8 +133,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Informe de Transparencia" # Transparency Report hit = "Un ping que indica la carga de la aplicación, ningún dato se ha enviado." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "El tiempo en segundos que tardó MPW en sincronizarse por última vez." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Un ping que indica un Tx, ningún dato se ha enviado, pero puede inferirse del tiempo en la cadena." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Error al recuperar la cuenta" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Se produjo un error al recuperar tu cuenta.
Vuelva a importar su wallet usando la siguiente clave:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Hora" # Time description = "Descripción" # Description @@ -295,8 +293,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Confirma tu transacción" # Confirm your transactio CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Tu llave privada de Masternode" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Guarda esta llave privada y cópiala en la configuración de tu VPS
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Verifica tu direccion" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "No se pudo recuperar tu masternode. Por favor vuelve a importarlo." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "No se pudo recuperar tu cuenta. Por favor vuelva a importarlo." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "¡Aplicación instalada!" # App Installed! PROPOSAL_FINALISED = "" # Proposal Launched! PROPOSAL_UNCONFIRMED = "" # The proposal hasn't confirmed yet diff --git a/locale/fr/translation.toml b/locale/fr/translation.toml index 7691b5146..40b4adca1 100644 --- a/locale/fr/translation.toml +++ b/locale/fr/translation.toml @@ -133,8 +133,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Rapport de transparence" # Transparency Report hit = "Un ping indiquant le chargement d'une application, aucune donnée unique n'est envoyée." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "Le temps en secondes que le MPW a pris pour se synchroniser pour la dernière fois." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Un ping indiquant un Tx, aucune donnée unique n'est envoyée mais peut être déduite de l'heure sur le réseau." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Échec de la récupération du compte" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la récupération de votre compte.
Veuillez réimporter votre portefeuille en utilisant la clé suivante :" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Heure" # Time description = "Description" # Description @@ -295,8 +293,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Confirmez votre transaction" # Confirm your transac CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Clé privée de votre Masternode" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Enregistrez cette clé privée et copiez-la dans votre configuration VPS.
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Vérifiez votre adresse" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Échec de la récupération de votre masternode. S'il vous plaît, le réimporter." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Échec de la récupération de votre compte. S'il vous plaît, le réimporter." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "Application installée!" # App Installed! PROPOSAL_FINALISED = "Proposal Launched!" # Proposal Launched! PROPOSAL_UNCONFIRMED = "La proposition n'a pas encore été confirmée" # The proposal hasn't confirmed yet diff --git a/locale/hi/translation.toml b/locale/hi/translation.toml index d74e141b0..17036f424 100644 --- a/locale/hi/translation.toml +++ b/locale/hi/translation.toml @@ -140,8 +140,6 @@ transparencyReport = "पारदर्शिता रिपोर्ट" # Tr hit = "एक पिंग जो ऐप लोड को इंगित करता है, कोई विशिष्ट डेटा नहीं भेजा जाता।" # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "MPW को आखिरी बार समन्वयित होने में लगे सेकंड।" # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "एक पिंग जो Tx को इंगित करता है, कोई विशिष्ट डेटा नहीं भेजा जाता है, लेकिन ऑन-चेन समय से अनुमानित किया जा सकता है।" # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "खाता पुनर्प्राप्ति विफल" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "आपके खाते को पुनर्प्राप्त करने में एक त्रुटि थी।
कृपया निम्नलिखित की का उपयोग करके अपने वॉलेट को फिर से रिइम्पोर्ट करें:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "आईडी" # ID time = "समय" # Time description = "विवरण" # Description @@ -311,8 +309,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "आपना ट्रांजैक्शन क CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "आपका मास्टरनोड प्राइवेट की" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
इस प्राइवेट की को सेव करें और अपने VPS कॉन्फ़िग में कॉपी करें
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "आपना एड्रेस कन्फर्म करें" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "आपका मास्टरनोड पुनर्प्राप्त करने में विफल। कृपया इसे रिइम्पोर्ट करें" # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "आपका खाता पुनर्प्राप्त करने में विफल। कृपया इसे रिइम्पोर्ट करें" # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "ऐप स्थापित हो गया!" # App Installed! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "यह आपके सभी डेटा को हटा देगा, जिसमें मास्टरनोड्स, संपर्क और प्राइवेट की शामिल हैं!" # This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT_TITLE = "क्या आप सुनिश्चित हैं?" # Are you sure? diff --git a/locale/it/translation.toml b/locale/it/translation.toml index e485c45e1..2bbd234ee 100644 --- a/locale/it/translation.toml +++ b/locale/it/translation.toml @@ -124,8 +124,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Rapporto sulla trasparenza" # Transparency Report hit = "Un ping che indica il caricamento dell'app, non vengono inviati dati univoci." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "Il tempo in secondi impiegato da MPW per l'ultima sincronizzazione." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Un ping che indica un Tx, non vengono inviati dati univoci, ma possono essere dedotti dal tempo in chain." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Impossibile recuperare l'account" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero del tuo account. Reimporta il tuo wallet utilizzando la seguente chiave:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Tempo" # Time description = "Descrizione" # Description @@ -295,8 +293,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Conferma la transazione" # Confirm your transaction CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Chiave privata del tuo Masternode" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Salva questa chiave privata e copiala nella configurazione VPS
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Verifica il tuo indirizzo" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Impossibile recuperare il tuo masternode. Per favore reimportalo." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Impossibile recuperare il tuo account. Per favore reimportalo." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "Applicazione installata!" # App Installed! PROPOSAL_FINALISED = "Proposta Creata!" # Proposal Launched! PROPOSAL_UNCONFIRMED = "La proposta non è ancora stata confermata." # The proposal hasn't confirmed yet diff --git a/locale/nl/translation.toml b/locale/nl/translation.toml index 0edc5c871..4e13b5b13 100644 --- a/locale/nl/translation.toml +++ b/locale/nl/translation.toml @@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Transparantierapport" # Transparency Report hit = "Een ping die wijst op een app-lading, er worden geen unieke gegevens verzonden." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "De tijd in seconden die MPW nodig had om voor het laatst te synchroniseren." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Een ping die duidt op een transactie, er worden geen unieke gegevens verzonden, maar het kan worden afgeleid uit de on-chain tijd." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Account herstellen mislukt" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het herstellen van uw account.
Importeer alstublieft uw portemonnee opnieuw met de volgende sleutel:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Tijd" # Time description = "Beschrijving" # Description @@ -307,8 +305,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Bevestig je transactie" # Confirm your transaction CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Je Masternode privésleutel" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Bewaar deze privésleutel en kopieer deze naar je VPS-configuratie
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Verifieer je adres" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Het herstellen van je masternode is mislukt. Importeer het opnieuw." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Het herstellen van je account is mislukt. Importeer het opnieuw." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "App geïnstalleerd!" # App Installed! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "" # This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT_TITLE = "" # Are you sure? diff --git a/locale/ph/translation.toml b/locale/ph/translation.toml index 2fb6e143d..d673b9948 100644 --- a/locale/ph/translation.toml +++ b/locale/ph/translation.toml @@ -133,8 +133,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Transparency Report" # Transparency Report hit = "Ang ping na nagpapahiwatig ng pag load ng app, walang unique na data ang naipadala." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "Ang bawat segundo sa oras na tumatagal upang muling mag synchronize sa MPW." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Ang ping na nag papahiwating ng isang TX, walang unique na data ang naipadala, pero maaari itong inferred mula sa oras ng on-chain." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Nabigong marecover ang account" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "May mali sa pag recover ng iyong account. Pakiusap i-reimport ang iyong wallet gamit ang mga sumusunod na key:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Oras" # Time description = "Description" # Description @@ -294,8 +292,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Kumpirmahin ang iyong transakyon" # Confirm your tr CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Ang iyong Masternode Private Key" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Itago ang private key at kopyahin at kopyahin ito sa iyong VPS config
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "I-verify ang iyong address" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Nabigong marecover ang iyong masternode. Pakiusap i-reimport ito." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Nabigong marecover ang iyong account. Pakiusap i-reimport ito." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "App Installed!" # App Installed! FAILED_TO_IMPORT_HARDWARE = "" # Failed to import Hardware Wallet. PROPOSAL_FINALISED = "" # Proposal Launched! diff --git a/locale/pl/translation.toml b/locale/pl/translation.toml index 64cb93e63..c738828fd 100644 --- a/locale/pl/translation.toml +++ b/locale/pl/translation.toml @@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Raport o Transparentności" # Transparency Report hit = "Ping informujący o załadowaniu aplikacji, bez wysyłania unikalnych danych." # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "Czas w sekundach, który był potrzebny, aby MPW zsynchronizował się." # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "Ping informujący o transakcji, bez przesyłania unikalnych danych, ale możliwe do wnioskowania na podstawie czasu na łańcuchu bloków." # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Nie udało się odzyskać konta" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Wystąpił błąd podczas odzyskiwania twojego konta.
Proszę ponownie zaimportuj swój portfel, używając poniższego klucza:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Czas" # Time description = "Opis" # Description @@ -307,8 +305,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Potwierdź transakcję" # Confirm your transaction CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Klucz prywatny Masternode" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Zapisz ten klucz prywatny i skopiuj go do konfiguracji VPS
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Sprawdź swój adres" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Nie udało się odzyskać Masternode. Zaimportuj go ponownie." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Nie udało się odzyskać konta. Zaimportuj je ponownie." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "Aplikacja zainstalowana!" # App Installed! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "Spowoduje to usunięcie wszystkich danych, w tym kontaktów masternodów i kluczy prywatnych!" # This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys! CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT_TITLE = "Na pewno?" # Are you sure? diff --git a/locale/pt/translation.toml b/locale/pt/translation.toml index 156d020a4..ab8ecb15f 100644 --- a/locale/pt/translation.toml +++ b/locale/pt/translation.toml @@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ settingsToggleTestnet = "Modo Testnet" # Testnet Mode settingsToggleAdvancedMode = "Modo avançado" # Advanced Mode transparencyReport = "\"Relatório de Transparência\"" # Transparency Report transaction = "\"Um ping indicando uma Tx, nenhum dado exclusivo é enviado, mas pode ser inferido a partir do tempo na rede.\"" # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Falha ao recuperar conta" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "Ocorreu um erro ao recuperar a sua conta.
Por favor reimporte sua carteira usando a seguinte chave:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: time = "Tempo" # Time description = "Descrição" # Description activityBlockReward = "Bloco Recompensa" # Block Reward @@ -188,8 +186,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Confirme a sua transação" # Confirm your transact CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "A chave privada do seu Masternode" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Guarde esta chave privada e copie-a para a sua configuração no VPS
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Verifique o seu endereço" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Falha ao recuperar o seu masternode. Por favor, reimporte-o." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Falha ao recuperar a sua conta. Por favor, reimporte-a." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "Aplicação instalada!" # App Installed! [info] diff --git a/locale/template/translation.toml b/locale/template/translation.toml index d9fa5f82a..9c2f90868 100644 --- a/locale/template/translation.toml +++ b/locale/template/translation.toml @@ -164,8 +164,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Transparency Report" hit = "A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent." time_to_sync = "The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise." transaction = "A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time." -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Failed to recover account" -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key:" ID = "ID" time = "Time" description = "Description" @@ -335,8 +333,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Confirm your transaction" CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Your Masternode Private Key" CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
" CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Verify your address" -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it." -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it." APP_INSTALLED = "App Installed!" WALLET_HARDWARE_USB_UNSUPPORTED ="Firefox doesn't support this!
Unfortunately, Firefox does not support hardware wallets" CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = 'This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys!' diff --git a/locale/uwu/translation.toml b/locale/uwu/translation.toml index c7465a5de..5c34012dd 100644 --- a/locale/uwu/translation.toml +++ b/locale/uwu/translation.toml @@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ transparencyReport = "Twanspawency Repawt" # Transparency Report hit = "A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent.♡" # A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent. time_to_sync = "The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise.♡" # The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise. transaction = "A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be infewwed from on-chain time.♡" # A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE = "Failed to recover accowount" # Failed to recover account -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML = "There was an error recovering ur accowount.
Pwease reimport ur wawwet using the following key:" # There was an error recovering your account.
Please reimport your wallet using the following key: ID = "ID" # ID time = "Time" # Time description = "Descwiption" # Description @@ -306,8 +304,6 @@ CONFIRM_POPUP_TRANSACTION = "Confiwm yowour twansaction" # Confirm your transact CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY = "Yowour Masternode Pwivate Key" # Your Masternode Private Key CONFIRM_POPUP_MN_P_KEY_HTML = "
Save dis pwivate key and copy it to yowour VPS config
" #
Save this private key and copy it to your VPS config
CONFIRM_POPUP_VERIFY_ADDR = "Vewify yowour addwess" # Verify your address -MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE = "Failed to recover ur masternowode. Pwease reimport it." # Failed to recover your masternode. Please reimport it. -MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE = "Failed to recover ur account. Pwease reimport it." # Failed to recover your account. Please reimport it. APP_INSTALLED = "App Instawlled!" # App Installed! FAILED_TO_IMPORT_HARDWARE = "" # Failed to import Hardware Wallet. CONFIRM_POPUP_DELETE_ACCOUNT = "" # This will delete all your data, including masternodes contacts and private keys! diff --git a/scripts/database.js b/scripts/database.js index bebb407ab..fe79eb267 100644 --- a/scripts/database.js +++ b/scripts/database.js @@ -414,63 +414,7 @@ export class Database { ); } - /** - * Migrates from local storage - */ - async #migrateLocalStorage() { - if (localStorage.length === 0) return; - const settings = new Settings({ - explorer: localStorage.explorer, - node: localStorage.node, - translation: localStorage.translation, - displayCurrency: localStorage.displayCurrency, - }); - await this.setSettings(settings); - - if (localStorage.masternode) { - try { - const masternode = JSON.parse(localStorage.masternode); - await this.addMasternode(masternode); - } catch (e) { - console.error(e); - createAlert('warning', ALERTS.MIGRATION_MASTERNODE_FAILURE); - } - } - - if (localStorage.encwif || localStorage.publicKey) { - try { - const localProposals = JSON.parse( - localStorage.localProposals || '[]' - ); - - // Update and format the old Account data - const cAccount = new Account({ - publicKey: localStorage.publicKey, - encWif: localStorage.encwif, - localProposals: localProposals, - }); - - // Migrate the old Account data to the new DB - await this.addAccount(cAccount); - } catch (e) { - console.error(e); - createAlert('warning', ALERTS.MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE); - if (localStorage.encwif) { - await confirmPopup({ - title: translation.MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_TITLE, - html: `${ - translation.MIGRATION_ACCOUNT_FAILURE_HTML - } ${sanitizeHTML( - localStorage.encwif - )} `, - }); - } - } - } - } - static async create(name) { - let migrate = false; const database = new Database({ db: null }); const db = await openDB(`MPW-${name}`, Database.version, { upgrade: (db, oldVersion) => { @@ -484,7 +428,6 @@ export class Database { db.createObjectStore('masternodes'); db.createObjectStore('accounts'); db.createObjectStore('settings'); - migrate = true; } // The introduction of PIVXPromos (safely added during { ); }); - it('migrates from local storage correctly', async () => { - vi.stubGlobal('localStorage', { - explorer: 'duddino.com', - translation: 'DE', - encwif: 'ENCRYPTED_WIF', - publicKey: 'PUB_KEY', - masternode: JSON.stringify( - new Masternode({ collateralTxId: 'mntxid' }) - ), - }); - const db = await Database.create('test'); - expect(await db.getAccount()).toStrictEqual( - new Account({ - publicKey: 'PUB_KEY', - encWif: 'ENCRYPTED_WIF', - }) - ); - expect(await db.getSettings()).toStrictEqual( - new Settings({ - explorer: 'duddino.com', - translation: 'DE', - }) - ); - expect(await db.getMasternode()).toStrictEqual( - new Masternode({ collateralTxId: 'mntxid' }) - ); - - vi.unstubAllGlobals(); - }); - it('is isolated between different instances', async () => { const db = await Database.create('test'); const db2 = await Database.create('test2');