Hello Prefixed World module for Joomla. A module to showcase the PHP-Prefixer service.
It’s super quick to get a PHP-Prefixer project up and running. Install any library freely. PHP-Prefixer will manage your namespaces.
- Use the same libraries across all platforms: Develop your solutions using the same libraries for all the platforms you work in, specifically WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Laravel, Symfony, Slim Framework, etc.
- Composer + Joomla: Use Composer for your Joomla projects. PHP-Prefixer will process the dependencies to run smoothly along with other third-party plug-ins.
- Fully integrated with Git: Declare your name space configuration and let the service produce the packages. No local installation. No Phars. No new dependencies.
This is the source project to be prefixed.
The prefixed results can be found in this repository: https://github.com/PHP-Prefixer/hello-joomla-world_prefixed
The documentation about this sample code can be found here: https://php-prefixer.com/docs/guides/how-to-prefix-joomla-module/
This sample project is written based on Composer original documentation, Basic usage / Autoloading.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Desarrollos Inteligentes Virtuales, SL