Releases: PHP-Open-Source-Saver/jwt-auth
Releases · PHP-Open-Source-Saver/jwt-auth
What's Changed
- Fixed the return type of getMinutesUntilExpired in BlackList, which returned a float instead of an int when using Carbon v2 by @jonkerw85 in #286
New Contributors
- @jonkerw85 made their first contribution in #286
What's Changed
- Fix Carbon not accepting string values by @mokhosh in #272
- don't show jwt secret if show option is false even if the key is updated by @kbiits in #275
- Override "id" method in JWTGuard by @mabdullahsari in #278
- Updates for Laravel 12 by @specialtactics in #279
New Contributors
- @mokhosh made their first contribution in #272
- @kbiits made their first contribution in #275
- @mabdullahsari made their first contribution in #278
Full Changelog: 2.7.3...2.8.0
What's Changed
- Update phpstan/phpstan requirement from ^1 to ^2 by @dependabot in #273
Full Changelog: 2.7.2...2.7.3
What's Changed
- Fixes #258 whereby logout fails if the JWT already being used has exp… by @specialtactics in #259
Full Changelog: 2.7.0...2.7.1
What's Changed
- Cater for both Carbon v2 and v3 - issue #260 by @specialtactics in #261
New Contributors
- @specialtactics made their first contribution in #261
Full Changelog: 2.6.0...2.7.0
What's Changed
- Update by @Messhias in #247
- Bump lcobucci jwt version by @kellerjmrtn in #248
- SetSecret regenerates config with new secret in the Lcobucci provider by @f3cp in #250
New Contributors
- @kellerjmrtn made their first contribution in #248
- @f3cp made their first contribution in #250
Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.4.0
What's Changed
- Drop support for Laravel < 10 by @mfn in #238
- chore: update phpunit and misc maintenance by @mfn in #241
- Fix/use id claim by @DiovaneGabriel in #244
New Contributors
- @DiovaneGabriel made their first contribution in #244
Full Changelog: 2.2.2...2.3.0