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James Wexler edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions


Dataset Size

Currently, LIT can comfortably handle around 10,000 datapoints, though with a couple caveats:

  • LIT expects predictions to be available on the whole dataset when the UI loads. This can take a while if you have a lot of examples or a larger model like BERT. In this case, you can pass warm_start=1.0 to the server (or use --warm_start=1.0) to warm up the cache on server load.

  • If you're using the embedding projector - i.e. if your model returns any Embeddings fields to visualize - this runs in the browser using WebGL (via ScatterGL), and so may be slow on older machines if you have more than a few thousand points.

We're hoping to scale the UI to support 50-100k points soon. In the mean time, you can use Dataset.sample or Dataset.slice to select a smaller number of examples to load. You can also pass individual examples to LIT through URL params, or load custom data files at runtime using the settings (⚙️) menu.

Large Models

LIT can work with large or slow models, as long as you can wrap them into the model API. If you have more than a few pre-loaded datapoints, however, you'll probably want to use warm_start=1.0 (or pass --warm_start=1.0 as a flag) to pre-compute predictions when the server loads, so you don't have to wait when you first visit the UI.

Also, beware of memory usage: since LIT keeps the models in memory to support new queries, only so many can fit on a single node or GPU. If you want to load more models than can fit in local memory, you can host your model with your favorite serving framework and interface with it using a custom Model class.

We also have experimental support for using LIT as a lightweight model server; this can be useful e.g. for comparing an experimental model on your workstation against a production model already running in an existing LIT demo. See for more details.

Privacy and Security

LIT allows users to query the model, as well as to view the loaded evaluation data. The LIT UI state is ephemeral and exists only in the browser window; however, model predictions and any newly-generated examples (including as manually entered in the web UI) are stored in server memory, and if --data_dir is specified, may be cached to disk.

LIT contains the ability to create or edit datapoints in the UI and then save them to disk. If you do not want the tool to to be able to write edited datapoints to disk, then pass the --demo_mode runtime flag to the LIT server.

Managing Access

The default LIT development server does not implement any explicit access controls. However, this is just a thin convenience wrapper, and the underlying WSGI App can be easily exported and used with additional middleware layers or external serving frameworks. See Running LIT in a Docker container for an example of this usage.


All strings in LIT are unicode and most components use model-provided tokenization if available, so in most cases non-English languages and non-Latin scripts should work without any modifications. For examples, see:

  • XNLI demo - cross-lingual NLI, with up to 15 languages supported via a multilingual BERT model.
  • T5 demo - includes WMT data for machine translation

Workflow and Integrations

Sending examples from another tool

LIT can read input fields directly from the URL; they should be encoded as data_<fieldname>=<value>, and field names should match those in the (default) dataset.

There is also (experimental) support for sending more than one example, as long as the total URL length is within the browser's size limit. Specify as above, but using data0, data1, data2, e.g. data0_<fieldname>=<value>.

Downloading or exporting data

There is currently limited support for this via the settings (⚙️) menu. Click the "Dataset" tab and enter a path to save to. This is done server-side, so be sure the path is accessible to the server process.

In the future, we hope to make this workflow more robust, including more control over data format, as well as browser-based uploads and downloads of the examples (such as from csv files or Google Sheets).

Loading data from the UI

There is limited support for this via the settings (⚙️) menu. Select a dataset, and enter a path to load from:

Load data from the UI

The supported format(s) depend on the dataset class; in most cases, the user should implement the load() method on their dataset class to handle the appropriate format.

Using components outside the LIT UI

Python components such as models, datasets, and generators are designed to support standalone use. These don't depend on the LIT serving framework, and you can treat them as any other Python class and use from Colab, regular scripts, bulk inference pipelines, etc. For an example, see the API documentation.

For the frontend, it's a little more difficult. In order to respond to and interact with the shared UI state, there's a lot more "framework" code involved (see the frontend development guide for more). We're working on refactoring the LIT modules to separate framework and API code from the visualizations (e.g. elements), which can then be re-used in other environments.

Training models with LIT

LIT is primarily an evaluation/infererence-time tool, so we don't provide any official training APIs. However, to facilitate code reuse you can easily add training methods to your model class. In fact, several of our demos do exactly this, using LIT's Dataset objects to manage training data along with standard training APIs (such as Keras' See and for an example.