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Getting started (for researchers)

Vivian Tsai edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to Deliberate Lab! To get started, you should have a website link to the platform.

If you're setting up your own deployment of the platform, see the 🦫 Developers tutorial in the sidebar.


A quick overview of concepts/terms referenced across the platform and this documentation

In Deliberation Lab, experimenters (people who can view/edit experiments on the platform) can create experiments, which include a list of experiment stages (or stages). Each stage can be configured to include custom content and options; the experiment also has some top-level settings (e.g., Prolific integration).

Experiment stages

To run an experiment, experimenters can create cohorts, which is a bundle of participants who can interact with each other during the experiment.

Example: if running an experiment where two people play chess with each other, you might create 10 cohorts and have 2 participants in each cohort. All data can be downloaded together at the experiment (top) level.

Finally, participants can be manually added to cohorts (via experimenter dashboard), or they can dynamically join from a cohort landing page. Experimenters have the ability to transfer participants to different cohorts (within the same experimenter) or "boot" (kick out) participants from the cohort/experiment. (Additional participant management options are covered later in this tutorial.)

Logging in

Navigate to your provided website link and use the "Experimenter login" button to log in via Google account.

Anyone with a Google account can "log in" to the platform, but researchers must be on an "allowlist" (managed in Firebase datastore) to view, create, and manage experiments.

If you receive a 403: Participants do not have access error, you have not been added to the allowlist and should contact the person hosting the platform (at the website link you were provided).

Once you're logged in, you should be able to see a home page with both publicly available experiments and your private experiments.

Tip: If you plan to set up LLM mediators, add your own Gemini API key on the Settings page now. Your key must be present in order to effectively run LLM mediators during experiments. We store it in a Firebase document that only you (and the backend function making the LLM mediator calls for your experiment) can access. Note: LLM calls always use the API key of the person who created the experiment.

Next steps

Once you have access to the platform, you can start creating and running your experiments!

See the next page in the 🦉 Researchers tutorial (sidebar) for further documentation