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Alberto J. Coello edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 11 revisions

What is PAICE

PAICE is the acronym for Phylogeographic Analysis of Island Colonization Events, a haplotype-based method to estimate the number of inter-island colonization events experienced by a species in an island-like system. This method was originally designed for oceanic archipelagos, but it works for every island-like system in which biogeographic barriers exist among populations.

This method creates rarefaction curves to estimate the number of colonization events accounting for sample size considering both individual/population sampling and genetic sampling. For additional information, see our publication (Coello et al. 2022).


To cite this package, use the original publication in Journal of Biogeography:

Coello, A. J., Fernández-Mazuecos, M., Heleno, R. H. & Vargas, P. (2022). PAICE: A new R package to estimate the number of inter-island colonizations considering haplotype data and sample size. Journal of Biogeography 49(4): 577–589.