PAESCAL, or Physical, Accurate, and Efficient atmosphere and surface coupling across SCALes, is a collaboration among Earth system modelers, applied mathematicians, computational scientists, and computer scientists supported by the US DOE through the 5th instantiation of the SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) program.
We are using a combination of GitHub, Google Drive, Slack, Overleaf to organize our communications and work. See more details below.
Google Drive (root directory)
For access, please post the email address associated with your Google account to the general
channel on Slack.
- Team Roster
- Cross-task coordination, e.g., meeting polls
- Tutorial requests and offers
- Presentation Templates
- DOE highlight templates: for BER, for ASCR
- Relevant conferences
- Atm coupling
- Surface coupling
- PDE-ML coupling
- Cloud microphysics
- Visual analytics tools
- Integration to E3SM
- Workspace name: PAESCAL-SciDAC5
- URL: