BMW E-series dbc
replacement for backend and useradmin dashboard
dzid26 / openpilot-for-BMW-E8x-E9x
Forked from commaai/openpilotopen source driving agent
CANbus bootloader for STM32F103 microcontrollers
Closed loop stepper motor controller with CANbus capabilities. This Project open source hardware and code, support platformio build and upload firmware.
🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
This repo saved iPA for TrollStore, work as jailbreak.
Jailed iOS app that can install IPAs permanently with arbitary entitlements and root helpers because it trolls Apple
A resource for learning about Machine learning & Deep Learning
🧠💬 Articles I wrote about machine learning, archived from
Kiri is a visual tool designed for reviewing schematics and layouts of KiCad projects that are version-controlled with Git.
Car Hacking PCB and firmware for a USB to CAN interface, with support for 4 CAN transceivers and an optional NEO-MP8 GNSS module.
📽 Capture and develop clips of openpilot. UI optional. Already deployed on for YOUR immediate use!
Next generation Wagtail demo, born in Reykjavik
Embedded Rust example for STM32F4-Discovery board.
An awesome sideloaded IPA of Twitter, based on BHTwitter by @BandarHL
This repository contains Python code and CAD files to (re)create the cycloidal gearing design, and experiments, from our 2022 paper "3D-printable low-reduction cycloidal gearing for robotics".
Kalman Filter implementation in Python using Numpy only in 30 lines.
An interpreter for a concurrent lisp with message-passing and pattern-matching.