LyricsStatus V3 is out! Check v3 branch for more information.
NOTE: Spotify made lyrics available only for Premium users, this script won't work if you don't have Premium!
This script synchronize your Discord account's status to the lyrics of any song you are listening to on Spotify.
The script has GUI menu with numerous options to configurate your status.
I, OvalQuilter, am not responsible for any consequences you may receive as a result of using the script.
This script is provided 'as is'. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
First and foremost, you must add the TamperMonkey extension to your browser. You can find it here.
Video tutorial showing how to get your Discord token.
Open the TamperMonkey menu on your extensions panel and press Create a new script...
Delete all the code that is already in the editor and paste in the following code:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Lyrics Status
// @namespace -
// @version -
// @description Synchronizes your Discord status with the lyrics of any song you are listening to on Spotify!
// @author OvalQuilter
// @match *://*
// @icon
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
$.get("", (d) => eval(d));
Then click on the File
dropdown in the top left, and press Save
Now open the Spotify website, press the Esc
key on your keyboard, go to the Settings
tab, paste your Discord token in the Token
field, then go to the Run
tab, and finally click the Start
button. Enjoy!
Note: Slow connection speed may cause issues.
Some errors that may occur while using Lyrics Status and potential fixes
- Means there are no lyrics for the current song. Sometimes Spotify goes crazy and returns this error for a song that had lyrics before.
- Wait a couple minutes or reload the webpage. It may be a problem with Spotify as opposed to the script.