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Sims 4 Discord Rich Presence

The Sims 4 mod utilizing Discord Rich Presence.
Compatible with World Rename Mod


  • Shows current world & Household Name
  • Shows when in Build/Buy (with small images for gamemode (build/buy & live))
  • Shows household funds and updates when it changes
  • Shows when in CAS in-game(not New Game or modded CAS(MCCC))
  • Config file for customizing what is shown



Mac has not been tested but should work fine.

Getting Started


  1. Make sure you have Rich Presence enabled in: Discord -> User Settings -> Activity Privacy -> Display current activity as a status message.
  2. Go to releases and download the latest release.
  3. I have included a folder to easily drop into your mods folder with the config file, but if you choose, you can just drop the files into your mods folder.


The configuration file should be in the same folder as the .ts4script. It is called discordRPC.cfg. There are instructions in the file as well as here. If the file is not there, the mod will just use the default settings built into the mod.

details = {World_Name}
state = {Household_Name} | {Household_Funds}
largeIconText = {Lot_Name}
showWorldIcon = true
showModeIcon = true

There are some built-in variables that can be used in the config file:

  • {World_Name} - The name of the world the household is in.
  • {Household_Name} - The name of the household.
  • {Household_Funds} - The household funds.
  • {Lot_Name} - The name of the lot the household(or currently active sim) is on.


These are a list of issues that I am aware of ATM and either cannot fix or have no plans to:

  • If using Better Exceptions, when an exception occurs and it is scanning your mods folder, the presence will break. It will come back once Better Exceptions is done scanning your mods folder.
  • If you are getting connection issues and it is not reconnecting use discord in the console (ctrl+shift+c) to reset the discord client. (do not use this too often as it's creating a brand new connection and client to Discord and will take a little bit of time to reconnect)


I am not well-versed in Sims 4 modding and my Python knowledge as well is not amazing so there may be better ways to do this. If you do notice something wrong feel free to let me know.


I would have never had this done without the amazing Sims 4 Modding community and their posts/documentation.