Releases: OsuSync/Sync
v2.18.5 Bugs fix
v2.18.4 Languages and bugs fix
- Add German language support (oSumAtrIX)
- Add Russian language support (by Erasial)
- Add Japanese language support(Fairy-Phy)
** NOTE: Language will not patch properly when update from 2.18.2, to resolve you can download
put it into Sync root directory and extract it or drag 'Language' folder to replace same folder in directory **
'Sync' not only has a worst architecture, but also name same with a Beatmap Sync Tools.
The reason is as above, so we refactoring most feature to new project 'EmberTools' right now.
New project 'EmberTools' now is still under heavy development.
v2.18.2 Error reporting and bugs fix
Support Error reporting, program will send error to, help developer fix bugs.
Bugs fix:
- Catch error while update Sync
- Fix multiply instance checking
v2.18 Configuration Attribute Support!
Support attribute in configuration and you can edit configuration in GUI via command 'config'!
Install ConfigGUI Plugins and try:
v2.17 Self-Update, TLS 1.2 and Hungarian language
Type plugins latest
to check update, or enable EnableCheckUpdate
in configuration file to check update each startup.
The Hungarian language files by @vollR .
Download : Sync_2.17.0_release.7z
v2.16.1 Bugs fix
Version 2.16.1 Bugs fix
- Catch error when load assembly types
- Catch save-error when saving settings.
Sync 2.16.0
Write more bugs in new version ~
- Fix wrong version condition check
- Configuration support mointoring change
- Save data when handle
exit event
Plugins will update to Sync 2.16 if you still use Sync 2.15
DO NOT EXECUTEplugins update/install
Sync 2.15
Sync 2.14.0
Sync danmaku(comment) to osu! IRC now!
Update Default Plugins and fix many bugs
Default plug-ins:
- BanManager
- BeatmapSuggest
- DefaultGUI
- DefaultPlugin
- NowPlaying
- PPQuery
- RecentlyUserQuery
Please post issue when bugs occur ;P
Sync! 2.13.2
Sync danmaku(comment) to osu! IRC now!
Plugins build on commit 582c9bd
Default plug-ins:
- BanManager
- BeatmapSuggest
- DefaultGUI
- DefaultPlugin
- NowPlaying
- PPQuery
- RecentlyUserQuery