A simple personal memory website to store and showcase memorable moments.
├── assets/ # Contains images, CSS, and other assets
├── contact/ # Contact page files
├── gallery/ # Photo gallery section
├── sosmed/ # Social media links and integrations
├── index.html # Main homepage of the website
├── README.md # Project documentation
- Responsive design for all devices
- Simple and clean UI
- Contact page for communication
- Photo gallery to showcase memories
- Social media integration
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Osengg/Website-mymemories.git
in a browser to view the website.
You can view the website here: Website MyMemories
🚀 Open-source, feel free to use and develop further!
Source code for web learning from Dea Afrizal's YouTube channel. Basic HTML CSS BOOTSTRAP creates landing page with theme tour guide service for learning