Welcome to the Website Portfolio repository by Osengg. This is my personal portfolio website where I showcase my work, share my journey, and provide my contact information.
Hello! I'm Oseng (also known as Ruk), a passionate software engineer with a love for coding and problem-solving. This repository hosts my portfolio website where I display my projects, interests, and skills. My interests include web development, artificial intelligence, open source projects, and exploring new technologies.
- Profile Page: Learn more about my background and experience.
- Gallery: View a collection of my projects and memorable moments.
- Login & Registration: Secure pages for user authentication.
- Social Media Integration: Connect with me through various platforms.
- Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless experience on all devices.
βββ assets/ # Static assets (images, fonts, etc.)
βββ contact/ # Contact page components
βββ gallery/ # Gallery page components
βββ login/ # Login page components
βββ profil/ # Profile page components
βββ daftar/ # Registration page components
βββ index.html # Main homepage
βββ style.css # CSS styles
βββ README.md # Project documentation
Note: The structure above is an approximation based on the repository layout.
Check out the live demo of the website here: Website Portfolio
This link takes you to the published version of my portfolio hosted on GitHub Pages. Explore the pages, interact with the gallery, and see my work in action!
This project is built with:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Osengg/Website-Portofolio.git
Open the project: Open
in your web browser to view the website. -
Customize: Modify the code as needed to personalize your portfolio.
Feel free to reach out:
- Email: support@oseng.com
- YouTube: @Sngklem
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.