This project presents a methodology for the eco-demographic analysis of micro-businesses at Mexico; for this is needed obtain a collection of variables or main characteristics that measure the success of a business, that is, a good life expectancy. The use of machine learning techniques is proposed for the segmentation and grouping of characteristics that allow micro-businesses to be categorized according to their life expectancy, social development and echodemographic of the locality. Based on this categorization, the development of a recommender system is proposed that, based on the characteristics of the locality, makes a proposal or idea of a microbusiness, and analyzes its viability by comparing it with similar localities. The purpose of the system is determine what type of establishment in a certain locality is advisable to start.
Density population
National Survey of Demographic Dynamics
National Household Survey
National Survey of Seasonal Household Income and Expenses
National Population and Housing Survey
We are lost, because the book note is not complete about system recomendation.
So first we need to focus on the problem.
1.- Test all codes from directory original
1.2 .- I need to create a list details about each code.
1.2.- ¿How to run code python on a Linux system?