Task for Core Team, do not PR
Pull requests that update a dependency file
The bug's found only in dev builds
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Issue scheduled for resolution at some point in the future.
Simple bug fix or feature which would be a good first PR for someone new to the project
Community assistance requested, PRs welcome.
Workaround found for this issue.
Issue needs verification.
This PR is ready for merge by the development team.
PR requires a review from the core team before merging.
Unable to replicate the issue.
Issue or Request is a copy of an existing ticket.
Issue needs more information to be investigated/resolved.
Issue or Request has no basis.
Pull request has been manually merged.
A new PR has replaced this one
Issue will not be resolved or feature not added.
Working as it should / expected to
Disputed bug is accepted as valid or Feature accepted as desired to be added.
Issue or Request is waiting on some other issue or change.