database loader 4 transit (in python)
load gtfs 0. install python 2.7, along with zc.buildout and easy_install, git
- git clone
- cd ottdb
- buildout
- git update-index --assume-unchanged .pydevproject
- SQL LITE: bin/gtfsdb-load --database_url sqlite://gtfs.db
- or - PostGIS: bin/gtfsdb-load --is_geospatial --schema ott --database_url postgresql://postgres@
Future thoughts:
- gtfs services ... or transit services ... or services ... or ????
- need to have both DAO and service under same roof
- swagger ???
- this needs to be a lot simplier
- have otp TI services ... shouldn't they be alongside these
- what about
- what about Docker ?
- what about multiple agencies
- new gtfsdb and gtfsdb and SUM services: IDEAS: a. gtfsdb.shape_stops table ... tell me what stops belong to a given shape / pattern b. route_direction_stops table ... what stops belong to a given direction (think we have that) c. how can we animate where a bus is based on route and schedule time ... what table structure? d. other tables?
a. create a map app to show current routes, stops and RT vehicles
b. Gatsby ?