Releases: OpenSageTV/sagetv-miniclient
Releases · OpenSageTV/sagetv-miniclient
PGS Subtitles, System Sleep, External Links
Upgraded to ExoPlayer 2.12.3, A bunch of other small fixes
- Redesigned some of the settings screens. Broke out the settings for ExoPlayer and IJKPlayer
- Upgrade to ExoPlayer 2.12.3
- Added additional codecs to the ExoPlaye Codec Debug Screen (DIVX, AC4, OPUS, etc...) #98
- Removed AVI as a supported container format for ExoPlayer. This should go thru the transcoder #99
Upgraded to ExoPlayer 2.12.1, Additional seeking fixes, and more
- Playing back active recording TV seeking issue with ExoPlayer: Issue #96
- Frame Advance & Slow Motion Advance enhancement: Issue #91
- Upgrade to ExoPlayer 2.12.1 enhancement: Issue #95
- Full-Screen On Screen Navigation enhancement: Issue #42
- Issue with keyboard and favorites on the FireTV: Issue #92
- Error connecting to server when using fixed Transcoding/Streaming: Issue #97
Fixing issues with seeking in ExoPlayer
- jvl711: Rearchitected how playback position was retrieved. Switched to a UI thread that updates every 500ms.
- jvl711: Fixed an issue with seeking after resume from pause. The state was not getting properly updated
- jvl711: Allowing proper seek when playback is paused. Allow the position to get reported to sage server on pause
- jvl711: Added the blue icons that I made for FireTV to Android project
Fixed Transcoding, Volume Key Issues, Android 11 Fixes
This release is a collection of a lot of smaller beta releases. Below is the changes
- jvl711: Fixed an issue with Android 11 where images were not rendering
- jvl711: Upgraded ExoPlayer to 2.11.8
- jvl711: Fixed the volume up/down keys. You need to map them to NONE for them to work properly
- jvl711: Volume up/down mapped to NONE by default
- jvl711: Added fixed transcoding settings to allow for HD transcoding from the server to MKV container
- jvl711: Added the ability for Exoplayer to filter the Video codecs that are not supported. This will allow SageTV to transcode on unsupported formats
NOTE: The fixed transcoding changes need a patched version of Sage.jar to work properly. Hopefully those changes will make it into the next release of SageTV
Fix keyboard issues on FireTV
Attempted to add a workaround for the FireTV where you can not close the system keyboard. Next/Previous buttons should now close it.
Added setting for FFmpeg audio extension
- Update ExoPlayer FFmpeg extension to 2.11.5
- Added a setting for ffmpeg exoplayer extension, to turn it on, off or prefer
- Updated some deprecated code in the constructing on the SimpleExoPlayer instance
Merge changes from JVL fork
- Moving to new Play Store app
- Updated to exoplayer 2.11.5
- Added HEVC codec to list of codecs sent to sage durring connection
- Attempted to clean up the current playback time, and the seek
- Turn off rendering cues if by default
- Add error message toast on ExoPlayer2 Error
- Fixed issues with seeking when using exoplayer and push mediasource
- Added some basic support for subtitles in ExoPlayer
- Fixed a bug where it would not seek to the SageTV supplied start position