This readme allows you to install a docker image of openCPU which contains a demonstration R web application, the latest stable version of phisWSClientR package and a server version of rstudio server.
- Access to root account
- Able to use the 8004
- 1. Install automatically docker and opencpu docker container with
script - 2. Install manually docker and opencpu container (If docker is already installed go to step 2.4)
- 3. Run docker container
- 4. How to install a custom openCPU application
- 5. How to move an R package from host to container {host_scripts_path} and install it
- 6. To uninstall docker :
Click here to see the steps to install/configure docker and install opensilex opencpu container with
This script allow you to install easily docker, configure it for your purpose and install opensilex opencpu docker.
Usage: [
Usage: [
[-i --install-all docker-rstudio-password] regroup all other functions
[-d --install-docker ] For Ubuntu and Debian - installation documentation date : 2019-06-14
[-c --configure-docker] For Ubuntu and Debian
[-u --docker-dns-reconfigure] For Ubuntu and Debian
[-n --configure-network] # add to dnsmasq for Ubuntu only
[-o --install-ocpu-docker-with-password docker-rstudio-password] For Ubuntu and Debian
[-h --help]
Three steps are needed to install and run this docker container :
It is better to install docker from the
official documentation
. -d
. -c
. -o {password for rstudio server}
Example : . -o secret
If you have some issues with internet connection configuration (DNS server). You can use these following commands.
. -u
If the container is successfully installed, go to the step 3.3 .
Click here to see steps to install manually docker opencpu
- Follow the Installation guide. (recommended)
# create docker group if it doesn't exist
sudo groupadd docker
# put your user in docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated. or use :
su - ${USER}
For more information go to
sudo systemctl enable docker
2.7. (Optional) Configure Docker DNS which allows docker containers it to connect to internet (Only if you have issue with DNS)
Run the following command :
nmcli dev show | grep 'IP4.DNS'
The excepted result is above :
more /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
#A clean solution is to configure docker+dnsmasq so than DNS #requests from the docker container are forwarded to the dnsmasq #daemon running on the host.
#For that, you need to configure dnsmasq to listen to the network #interface used by docker, by adding a file /etc/NetworkManager/#dnsmasq.d/docker-bridge.conf:
sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/docker-bridge.conf
echo "listen-address=" > /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/docker-bridge.conf
sudo service network-manager restart
#You can add, i.e. the host's IP #address from within docker, to the list of DNS servers in docker's configuration file.
echo "{\"dns\": [\"\",\"YOUR_DNS_1_IP_HERE\", \"YOUR_DNS_2_IP_HERE\", \"OTHER_DNS_IP_HERE\",....]}" > /etc/docker/daemon.json
- daemon.json file content example :
"dns": ["","", ""]
service docker restart
docker build --no-cache {repository or local directory} -t opensilex/opencpu
docker build --no-cache -t opensilex/opencpu
- example :
docker run -d -t -p 8004:8004 -e USER_PASSWORD=secret --name=opensilex-ocpu opensilex/opencpu:latest
# or
# if you want to link a host folder and container folder
# docker run -v {host_scripts_path}:/home/opencpu/scripts --name opencpu-server -t -p 8004:8004 opencpu/rstudio
By default, the docker file already contains "opensilex/opensilex-datavis-rapp-demo" application and "phisWSClientR" package.
You can now go to : http://localhost:8004/ocpu/apps/opensilex/opensilex-datavis-rapp-demo/www/ .
You will able to try the demo R application.
Run in terminal :
docker stop opensilex-ocpu
Run in terminal :
docker start opensilex-ocpu
Run in terminal :
docker stop opensilex-ocpu
docker rm opensilex-ocpu
You can connect to the http://{serverIp}:8004/rstudio
your favorite R IDE
The default password is opencpu but it can be modified. (coming soon ...)
And run this command
or you can connect to the docker container :
docker exec -i -t container_name /bin/bash
# switch to non root user
su opencpu
# install package
R -e 'opencpu::install_apps("opensilex/opensilex-datavis-rapp-demo")'
Click here to see steps to move an R package from host to container
You can connect to the http://{serverIp}:8005/rstudio
your favorite R IDE
The default password is opencpu but it can be modified. (coming soon ...)
And run this command
remotes::install_github("openSILEX/phisWSClientR", build_vignettes=TRUE, ref="v1.3.0", upgrade ="always")
or you can connect to the docker container :
docker exec -i -t container_name /bin/bash
# switch to non root user
su opencpu
# install package
R -e 'remotes::install_github("openSILEX/phisWSClientR", build_vignettes=TRUE,ref="v1.3.0",upgrade ="always")'
If you have set a link between {host_scripts_path}
and /home/opencpu/scripts
You can move your R package archive (tar.gz) in {host_scripts_path}
in order to be able to access
it in the container.
Now can connect to the docker container and install your package from the source :
docker exec -i -t container_name /bin/bash
# switch to non root user
su opencpu
# install package
R -e 'install.packages("/home/opencpu/scripts/phisWSClientR_1.3.0.tar.gz",repos=NULL,type ="source")'
Follow instructions at :