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Server Application
CumulusServer includes a powerfull script-engine (using LUA langage) to create your own server applications. It allows to extend Cumulus behavior to add your specific needs in a flexible scripting-way.
On start, Cumulus creates a www folder in its root directory if it doesn't exist already. In this space, you can create subfolders, each one of them describes one server application. When a client connects to CumulusServer, the URL path relates the application to use. For example, the address rtmfp://host:port/myApplication search its corresponding application in [CumulusServer folder]/www/myApplication folder. First time CumulusServer builds and executes the file main.lua presents in this folder. Then, on new comer, the application already built is executed, unless main.lua file has been modified since the last time. Indeed when you edit main.lua file, the corresponding application is rebuilt in a dynamic way, without having to restart the server.
rtmfp://host:port/ -> [CumulusServer folder]/www/main.lua (root application)
rtmfp://host:port/myApplication -> [CumulusServer folder]/www/myApplication/main.lua
rtmfp://host:port/Games/myGame -> [CumulusServer folder]/www/Games/myGame/main.lua
The root application is built and started on CumulusServer start, whereas other server applications are started on first client connection for this application.
Each application is identified by its path, which is exactly the path part of the RTMFP URL connection. In the example above, root application has an empty string for path, then the both others have respectively /myApplication and /Games/myGame for path values.
Here a very simple first server application:
function onStart(path)
print("Server application '"..path.."' started)
function onStop(path)
print("Server application '"..path.."' stopped)
One application can access (read or write) to a variable of one other application, and can call one function of one other application. But it goes much further than that, applications can be specialized, and inherit them, exactly like inheritance of classes.
Principle is simple, for example the /Games/myGame application extends the /Games application, and so all functions and variables available in /Games/main.lua are available in /Games/myGame/main.lua.
-- /Games script application
test = "I am Games"
-- /Games/myGame script application
print(test) -- displays "I am Games"
You can overload an inherited variable or an inherited function, and even dynamically remove the overload if need in putting value to nil.
-- /Games/myGame script application
print(test) -- displays "I am Games"
test = "I am myGame" -- overloads test variable
print(test) -- displays "I am myGame"
test = nil -- remove overloading test variable
print(test) -- displays "I am Games"
On variable overloading (or function overloading), you can always access for the parent version in prefixing with the parent application name.
-- /Games/myGame script application
print(test) -- displays "I am Games"
test = "I am myGame" -- overloads test variable
print(test) -- displays "I am myGame"
print(Games.test) -- displays "I am Games"
The root server application has for path an empty string, and is reached by the name www.
-- '/' script application (the root server application)
function hello()
print("I am the root application")
-- /Games script application
function hello()
print("I am /Games application")
hello() -- displays "I am /Games application"
www.hello() -- displays "I am the root application"
Events are functions called by the system (see Events part of Server Application, API page), if an application don't definites onConnection event for example, on new client connection for this application, it's the parent application which will receive the event. To avoid it, you have to overload the event in child application, and you can call also the parent version if need.
-- /Games script application
function onConnection(client,response,...)
return www.onConnection(client,response,...)
You can use client.path property to check if it's a client connected for this application or for one child application (see Objects part of Server Application, API page)
In class inheritance, parent class has no knowledge of its children. However, here a parent server application can access for an child variable or function in checking before its existence. For example if /Games application would like to call a load function in /Games/myGame application, it have to check myGame existence, if myGame returns nil, it means that myGame doesn't exist or is not yet started.
-- /Games script application
if myGame then myGame.load() end
-- /Games/myGame script application
function load() end
By the same way, any applications can do the same thing with any other applications, even without hierarchical relationship.
-- /myApplication script application
if Games then
if Games.myGame then Games.myGame.load() end
-- /Games/myGame script application
function load() end
You can call a server function from client, in giving multiple parameters, and function can return one result.
function test(client,...)
name,firstname = unpack(arg)
return "Hello "..firstname.." "..name
_netConnection.client = this
_netConnection.call("test",new Responder(onResult,onStatus),"Client","Test")
function close():void { _netConnection.close() }
function onStatus(status:Object):void {
function onResult(response:Object):void {
trace(response) // displays "Hello Test Client"
When you change default client of NetConnection, the new client must have a close() method which closes the connection, because a RTMFP Server can call this function in some special cases
Note that returned result of the scripting function is a writing shortcut for:
function test(client,...)
name,firstname = unpack(arg)
client.writer.writeAMFResult("Hello "..firstname.." "..name)
Both make exactly the same thing. If the function is not available, it returns a NetConnection.Call.Failed status event with Method 'test' not found in description. But you can also customize your own error event:
function test(client,...)
name,firstname = unpack(arg)
if not firstname then error("test function takes two arguments") end
return "Hello "..firstname.." "..name
_netConnection.client = this
_netConnection.call("test",new Responder(onResult,onStatus),"Client");
function close():void { _netConnection.close() }
function onStatus(status:Object):void {
trace(status.description) // displays "..main.lua:3: test function takes two arguments"
function onResult(response:Object):void {
Push data mechanism is also possible in using client.writer object.
function pushData(client)
function onPushData(name:String,firstName:String):void {
Here an example of push data every two seconds (see Events part of Server Application, API page for onManage event description):
writers = {}
function onConnection(client,response,...)
writers[client] = client.writer
function onDisconnection(client)
writers[client] = nil
function onManage()
for client,writer in pairs(writers) do
function refresh():void {...}
client.writer returns the main flowWriter of this client. A FlowWriter is an unidirectional communication pipe, which allows to write message in a fifo for the client. Each flowWriter has some statistic exchange informations (qualityOfService, see Objects part of Server Application, API page for more details). When you want push a constant flow with a large amount of data, or if you want to get independant exchange statistics without disrupt the main flowWriter of one client, you can create your own flowWriter channel to push data:
writers = {}
function onConnection(client,response,...)
writers[client] = client.writer.newFlowWriter()
function onDisconnection(client)
writers[client] = nil
function onManage()
for client,writer in pairs(writers) do
function refresh():void {...}
When you create your own flowWriter, you can overload its onManage function, allowing you to write the same thing in a more elegant way, which avoid here writers table usage, and make the code really more short (see Objects part of Server Application, API page for more details).
function onConnection(client,response,...)
writer = client.writer.newFlowWriter()
function writer:onManage()
function refresh():void {...}
If you have need of pushing rate greater than two seconds, use onRealTime event of root application (see Objects part of Server Application, API page for more details).
A conversion between AMF and LUA types allows to read AMF data from client, and write AMF data to client.
Primitive conversion types are easy and intuitive (Number, Boolean, String). Except these primitive types, in LUA all is table. Concerning AMF complex type conversions, things go as following:
-- LUA table formatted in Object // AMF Object
{x=10,y=10,width=100,height=100} {x:10,y:10,width:100,height:100}
-- LUA table formatted in Array // AMF Array
{10,10,100,100} new Array(10,10,100,100)
-- LUA table mixed // AMF Array associative
{x=10,y=10,100,100} var mixed:Array = new Array(10,10,100,100);
mixed["x"] = 10; mixed["y"] = 10;
-- LUA table formatted in Dictionary // AMF Dictionary
{10="test","test"=10,__size=2} var dic:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
dic[10] = "test"; mixed["test"] = 10;
-- LUA table formatted in ByteArray // AMF ByteArray
{__raw="rawdata"} var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
-- LUA Table, date format // AMF Date
{year=1998,month=9,day=16,yday=259, new Date(905989690435)
On a LUA to AMF conversion, priortiy conversion order works as following:
- If the LUA table given contains the property __raw, it's converted to a ByteArray AMF object.
- If the LUA table given contains the property __size, it's converted to a Dictionary AMF object.
- If the LUA table given contains the property __time, it's converted to a Date AMF object.
- Otherwise it chooses the more natural conversion (Object, Array, or Array associative).
About __time property on a date object, it's the the number of milliseconds elapsed since midnight UTC of January 1 1970 (Unix time.
About Dictionary object, LUA table supports an weak keys table feature, and it's used in AMF conversion with the weakKeys contructor argument of Dictionary AMF type. It means that if you build a AMF Dictionary object with weakKeys equals true and send it to CumulusServer, CumulusServer converts it in a LUA table with weak keys, and vice versa.
Actually Cumulus supports all AMF0 and AMF3 format, excepts Vector and XML types.
You can custom your object in using typed object feature. Assign to cumulus.typeFactoryFunction property a LUA function of your choice, which must have the following signature:
function typeFactory(type,object)
Then, use on client side the AS3 class flag RemoteClass:
public class Cat {
public function Cat () {
public function meow() {
On reception of this type on script-server side, it will call your typeFactoryFunction, and you can custom your object:
function typeFactory(type,object)
if type=="Cat" then
function object:meow()
object second argument contains a __type property, here equals to Cat (equals to the first argument of typeFactory function). It means that if you want create a typed object on script-side, and send it to client, you have just to add a __type property.
function onConnection(client,response,...)
Cient will try to cast it in a Cat class.
You can go more further on this principle, and custom the AMF unserialization and serialization in adding an __readExternal and __writeExternal function, it relates AS3 object which implements IExternalizable on client side (see IExternalizable). For example, ArrayCollection is an externalizable type, and is not supported by default by the conversion system, you can add its support in adding this code:
function typeFatory(type,object)
if type=="flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection" then
function object:__readExternal(reader)
self.source = reader.readAMF(1)
function object:__writeExternal(writer)
function onStart(path)
cumulus.typeFactoryFunction = typeFatory
reader and writer arguments are equivalent of IDataOutput and IDataInput AMF class (see Objects part of Server Application, API page for more details).
LUA can be extended easly, it exists LUA extensions for all needs and on all operating system. Add some new CumulusServer abilities as SQL, TCP sockets, or others is a common thing make possible by LUA. Install your LUA extension library, and add a require line for your script. LUA will search the extension in some common location related with LUA folder installation.
Now if you have need to organize your code in different files for your server application, you can use absolutePath(path) helpful functions on cumulus object (see Objects part of Server Application, API page for more details), in addition of dofile or loadfile LUA functions (see this LUA page). It allows to convert path application for an absolute version.
function onStart(path)
function onConnection(client,response,...)
LUA print function writes text on the output console of CumulusServer in a non-formatted way. Also, in service or daemon usage, nothing is printed of course. Solution is to use logs macro make available in scripts.
- ERROR, an error.
- WARN, a warning.
- NOTE, an important information, displayed by default in Cumulus log files.
- INFO, an information, displayed by default in Cumulus log files.
- DEBUG, displayed only if you start CumulusServer with a more high level log (see /help or --help on command-line startup)
- TRACE, displayed only if you start CumulusServer with a more high level log (see /help or --help on command-line startup)
function onStart(path)
NOTE("Application "..path.." started")
function onStop(path)
NOTE("Application "..path.." stoped")
Complete API is available in Server Application, API page.