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Schema Field Definitions


An election in a single state.

It may be worth noting that this does not link elections in different states that take place on the same day.

Field Name Required Description Example
election_id * unique ID for election OPEID:1360711279
state * state USPS abbrev NC
date * date of election 2016-11-08
election_type * primary general


An administrative division such as a congressional district or census block.

Field Name Required Description Example
division_id * unique ID for division OPDID:8283923911
shape_id * link to Shape OPSID:1360703401
state * state USPS abbrev NC
division_type * type of shape (enum) cd, sldl, sldu, census_block, precinct
district_plan identifier for plan(?) NC5.1
division_name * name of division U.S. House District 2
source_id * link to Source OPSRCID:1360703401

If division_type is precinct, the following are also available:

Field Name Required Description Example
election_id * link to Election OPEID:1360711279
cd_division_id link to CD Division OPDID:1360711285
sldu_division_id link to SLDU Division OPDID:1360711286
sldl_division_id link to SLDL Division OPDID:1360711287
locality_id FIPS id for county-equivalent FIPS:37001
locality_name name of county-equivalent Alamance


A participant in a given election.

(Note: this is a candidacy not candidate since no attempt is made to reconcile individuals that run in multiple years.)

Field Name Required Description Example
candidacy_id * unique ID for candidacy OPCID:1489228290
election_id * link to Election OPEID:1360711279
office_type * type of office cd
division_id link to Division OPSID:1360711285
candidate_name candidate name David E. Price
candidate_party * party name Democratic
is_incumbent is candidate incumbent? Yes
is_winner did candidate win? Yes
source_id link to Source OPSRCID:1360703401


Field Name Required Description Example
source_id * unique ID for source OPSRCID:1360711211
source_name * name for source NC State Board of Elections
source_url * URL for source


A shape that can be used for a division.

Field Name Required Description Example
shape_id * unique ID for shape OPSID:1360711211
geometry * (multi)polygon ...


A statistical measurement for a given area. Can also be used to aggregate vote totals with an optional candidate_id.

Field Name Required Description Example
division_id * link to division OPDID:1360711211
statistic_type * statistic type (enum) BVAP, TOTALPOP, VOTE
candidate_id link to candidate OPCID:1410711331
statistic_value * numeric value for stat 61386
source_id * link to a source OPSRCID:1253282902