Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7931: Fix imports for layout-ui jenkins job
- OLMIS-8010: Added a condition for putAll function for local storage
New Functionalities:
- OLMIS-7976: Improved visual apperance of the homepage alerts component
New functionalities that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-7987: Move Submit Requisitionless Orders functionalities from Angola to Core instance
New functionalities that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-7987: Move Submit Requisitionless Orders functionalities from Angola to Core instance
- OIS-23: Add basic mixin utils for RTL support
- OIS-24: Adjusted all components styles to support RTL
- OLMIS-8022: Improvements in app offline capabilities.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7922: Fix missing loading spinner in the Data Export and Data Import pages
- OLMIS-7903: Adjust BUQ colors with core UI
- OLMIS-7906: Adjust BUQ to core geographic levels
New Functionalities:
- OLMIS-7838: Add react components
- OLMIS-7752: Added React Loading Component
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7772: Fix issues with new Chrome popover functionality
- OLMIS-7654: Added Radio Button Component
- OLMIS-7649: Added MultiSelect Component
- OLMIS-7655: Added Input With Suggestions Component
- OLMIS-7658: Added Checkbox, Input with Clear Icon and Filter Components
- OLMIS-7467: Moved React base fields components to ui-components
- OLMIS-7468: Created table component in React
- OLMIS-7454: Added possibility to edit data in React table.
- OLMIS-7458: Added edit button class
- OLMIS-7508: Added possibility to validate table cell value.
- OLMIS-7515: Add numeric input
- OLMIS-7516: React table style improvements
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7546: Fix config for pouchdb-find
- OLMIS-7323: Improved pages to be responsive on low screen resolutions.
- OLMIS-7319: Added breakpoints variables based on bootstrap.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7314: Fixed issue with scss files after webpack migration.
- OLMIS-7314: Update scss files to enable webpack build.
- OLMIS-7421: The error modal "This action can't be completed while offline" is displaying in offline mode in view requisition screen.
- OLMIS-7165: Added a possibility to save data to the local database with its own docId.
- OLMIS-7182: Introduced a possibility in OpenlmisCachedResource to fetch data in offline mode.
- OLMIS-7187: Made caching Openlmis Cached Resource possible also by other params than id.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-7203: Fixed issue with Google Analytics dependency
- OLMIS-7220: Refactored getAll method in local database to reject when it is not available.
- OLMIS-7246: Fixed issue with missing pagination in Stock on Hand table.
- OLMIS-7259: Not saving data to pouchDb with docId param when it is paginated.
- OLMIS-7271: Fixed displaying products in the products table.
New functionality that are backwards-compatible:
- OLMIS-7173: Added offline alert and notifications.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6923: Fixed issue with Google Analytics dependency
- OLMIS-6920: Fixed issue with opening Physical Inventory with trade item products
- OLMIS-6949: Fixed issue with making adjustments for Essential Meds
- OLMIS-6960: Fixed extended Edit Supply Partner page load time after removing an association
Bug fixes:
- COV-52: Fixed issue with invalid perfect-scrollbar dependency
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6724: Updated pagination component to use params returned by a function to call before changing page (if it is provided).
- OLMIS-6684: Updated pagination component to allow providing a function to call before changing page.
- Got rid of angular.copy to improve performance in some places.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6612: Added check whether the property exists before sorting array by given property.
- OLMIS-6740: Fixed wrapping text in modal body.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
OLMIS-6350: Added openlmisOkIcon component.
OLMIS-6380: Added openlmis-datetime module.
OLMIS-6361: Added openlmis-message and openlmis-creation-details components.
OLMIS-6359: Added missing message openlmisForm.maxlength.
OLMIS-6442: Added confirmation modal to the FunctionDecorator.
OLMIS-6441: Added directive positive-decimal.
OLMIS-6487: Added implementation for get and getAll functions in OpenlmisCacheResource on UI.
OLMIS-6538: Added implementation for getVersionedIds function in OpenlmisCacheResource on UI to search multiple id with specific version.
OLMIS-6486: Added implementation for create, update and delete functions in OpenlmisCacheResource on UI.
OLMIS-6438: Added possibility to use filter component in modal.
- OLMIS-6357: Updated LocalDatabase to reopen database connection for every action.
- OLMIS-6222: Added paginationId attribute to pagination.
- OLMIS-6416: Updated OpenlmisCachedResource getByVersionIdentities to avoid sending requests when offline.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-6403 Fixed incorrect Start Date and Expiry Date behaviour for system notifications.
- OLMIS-6330: fixed trigerring reference-ui build.
- OLMIS-6301: Removed code where added timezone to string date if not contain timezone definition.
- OLMIS-6456: Fixed dates filter of periods in the initiated requisition and in POD.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-6020: Added openlmisCronSelection component.
- OLMIS-4944: Added a new localeService to get locale settings from the OpenLMIS server.
- OLMIS-4944: Refactored date filters to use locale settings, with support for a timezone parameter.
- OLMIS-5822: Extended the OpenlmisArrayDecorator with a sortBy class.
- OLMIS-5655: Updated modalStateProvider to not require parentResolves property when it is empty.
- OLMIS-3773: Extended the OpenlmisArrayDecorator with a getUnique method.
- OLMIS-6020: Added FunctionDecorator class.
- OLMIS-6020: Extended the OpenlmisResource with the ability to pass custom parameters when calling create method.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-3987: Fixed wrapping long text in modals.
- OLMIS-6167: Fixed issue with a weird popover showing after using enter on the select product modal.
Breaking changes:
- OLMIS-5409: Changed syntax for using sort component.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-5625: Added OpenlmisValidator class.
- OLMIS-5625: Added OpenlmisArrayDecorator class.
- OLMIS-5356:
- Extended OpenlmisResource with the getAll method.
- Made ObjectMapper.map method synchronous.
- Extended OpenlmisArrayDecorator with getAllWithUniqueIds method.
- Changed the condition for when page should be reloaded when using pagination.
- OLMIS-3696: Added dependency and development dependency locking.
- OLMIS-3446: Make offline latency timeout configurable at build time
- OLMIS-5488: Added styles for select2 inside popover and sidebar components
- OLMIS-5235:: Extended LocalDatabase class:
- Added pouchdb-find.
- Added putAll method to the LocalDatabase.
Breaking changes:
- OLMIS-4813: Changed syntax for using datepicker.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-4600: Added input for managing tags.
- OLMIS-4623: Added support for non-paginated endpoints to OpenlmisResource.
- OLMIS-4622: Added the object mapper class.
- OLMIS-3675: Added support for custom pagination parameter names to the paginationService.
- OLMIS-4838: Added option to display informational alert to the alertService.
- OLMIS-4797: Added feature flag service.
- OLMIS-4744: Added Jenkinsfile.
- OLMIS-4795: Updated dev-ui to version 8.
- OLMIS-4935: Added UUID v4 generator.
- OLMIS-4985: Extended OpenlmisRepository with the ability to query.
- OLMIS-4984: Extended OpenlmisRepository with the ability to specify custom id parameter name.
- OLMIS-4535: StateTrackerService will no longer trigger reload by default when offline.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-4415: Fixed weird datepicker behavior when entering the text instead of picking it from the component.
- OLMIS-3675: Fixed broken pagination when coming back to a paginated parent screen from a paginated child screen using "Back" button.
- OLMIS-4838: Fixed bug with alert promise not being resolved after the modal was closed.
- OLMIS-4481: Fixed bug with double click required to open filter popover.
- OLMIS-5144: Fixed bug with formatting money values.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-3108: Updated to use dev-ui v7 transifex build process
- OLMIS-2656: Added filter component.
- OLMIS-3738: Added horizontal scrollbar to the table container.
- OLMIS-3917: Added optional title to confirm modal.
- OLMIS-3995: Added OpenLMISRepository and OpenLMISRepositoryImpl classes.
- OLMIS-3166: Added openlmisAppCache component.
- OLMIS-3826: Added facility filter to display formatted facilities.
- OLMIS-4127: Added util function to convert epoch in milliseconds to ISO-formatted date string.
- OLMIS-3779:: Added number of flters to the filter button.
- OLMIS-3876: Applied filter component to all forms in an openlmis-table-container
- OLMIS-3563: Added moving ng-if from input to wrapper element.
- OLMIS-3080: Removed warning modal.
- OLMIS-2695: Following improvements to components: ** Added 'add days to date' method to date utils. ** Added disabled attribute to datepicker. ** Fixed changing page in pagination component to not reload parent state.
- OLMIS-3326: The notificationService will now wait for the loadingModalService to close before displaying any notification
- OLMIS-3905: Add min-width to select dropdown
- OLMIS-3908: Reduced vertical space in page header
- OLMIS-4195: Added empty-row directive
- OLMIS-4026: Updated openlmis-table to display borders.
- OLMIS-4143: Updated openlmis-sort to align elements in the sort component.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-3806:: Fixed date picker to not change selected date
- OLMIS-3909:: Fixed scrollbar hiding underneath sticky columns
- OLMIS-4195:: Forms styled with .openlmis-table-container will now flex to the match their parents
- OLMIS-4397:: Fixed min and max date restrictions on the datepicker
- OLMIS-4469:: Fixed hiding loading modal after it is shown
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-3182: Added openlmis-table-pane that implements high performance table rendering for large data tables.
- OLMIS-2655: Added sort control component.
- OLMIS-3462: Added debounce option for inputs.
- OLMIS-3199: Added PouchDB.
New functionality:
- Added modalStateProvider to ease modal state defining
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-3248: Added missing message for number validation.
- OLMIS-3170: Fixed auto resize input controls.
- OLMIS-3500: Fixed a bug with background changing color when scrolling.
- OLMIS-3114: Improved table keyboard accessibility ** Made table scroll if focused cell is off screen ** Wrapped checkboxes in table cells automatically if they don't have a label
- Modals now have backdrop and escape close actions disabled by default. Can by overridden by adding 'backdrop' and 'static' properties to the dialog definition.
- Extended stateTrackerService with the ability to override previous state parameters and pass state options.
- Updated dev-ui version to 6.
- OLMIS-3359: Improved the way offline is detected.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-2978: Made sticky table element animation more performant.
- OLMIS-2573: Re-worked table form error messages to not have multiple focusable elements.
- OLMIS-1693: Added openlmis-invalid and error message documentation.
- OLMIS-249: Datepicker element now allows translating day and month names.
- OLMIS-2817: Added new file input directive.
- OLMIS-3001: Added external url run block, that allows opening external urls.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-3088: Re-implemented tab error icon.
- OLMIS-3036: Cleaned up and formalized input-group error message implementation.
- OLMIS-3042: Updated openlmis-invalid and openlmis-popover element compilation to fix popovers from instantly closing.
- OLMIS-2806: Fixed stock adjustment reasons display order not being respected in the UI.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- OLMIS-2704: Added style for button inside alert.
- OLMIS-2657: Added openlmis-cache service to support openlmis-facility-program-select.
- OLMIS-2572: Added popover-trigger-area attribute to the popover directive which lets user chose whether the whole element or just the added button should trigger the popover.
- OLMIS-2509: Fixed calculation of the tbody title width, which was causing some strange behavior of the tables.
- OLMIS-2476: Simplified select implementation with select2
- OLMIS-2444: Added new "add" button class.
- OLMIS-2494: Added textarea-required directive responsible for displaying "This field is required" when form have been submitted, but didn't pass the validations. Recolored the "This field is required" to red.
- OLMIS-2548: Added isOpened flag to loadingModalService.
- OLMIS-2648: Added possibility to customize cancel button message in confirm service, added support for messages with parameters.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-2660: Made "No options available" show when there is unknown option
- OLMIS-2328: Fixed table resizing bug.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-2329: Removed initial timeout from the saving indicator
- OLMIS-2224: Offline flag is now stored in local storage
- OLMIS-2328: Fixed issues with resizing on tables with colspan and sticky columns
- OLMIS-2489: Form error will now be properly displayed even if the translation can't be found
- OLMIS-2471: Aligned locale selection and logout button.
Compatibility breaking changes:
- OLMIS-2355: Inncorect working sticky columns - large gap in tables
- Columns that are supposed to be sticked to the right side require additional class.
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner:
- Added progress bar component.
- OLMIS-2037: Focused auto-saving behavior notifications
- Added auto-saving component.
- OLMIS-2045: Wrap datepicker in popover element
- OLMIS-2164: Change screen after requisition action
- Added StateTrackerService.
Bug fixes and performance improvements which are backwards-compatible:
- Fixed a bug with loading modal not closing sometimes.
- Improved select component.
- OLMIS-2142: A slight gap between the toolbar and the edge of the screen
- OLMIS-2291: The message of "Showing xx item(s) out of xx total" didn't works correctly on the physical inventory page (also on the requisition page).