Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Open Factory Twin!
To organize and structure all contributions, open an issue for enhancements, feature requests, or
bugs. In case of security issues, please see
for more details.
Code changes are handled entirely over pull requests. We use the squash and merge strategy. Therefore, remember to use a pull request title in the conventional commits format since it is used as the squashed commit message.
To work on all subprojects from one PyCharm, instance, you may have to manually create the env by installing
the packages from pyprojects.toml
or from the requirements.txt
Depending on the code area, you are working on not all packages are required. To identify all required packages
for your use case, read the comments in the requirements/ pyprojects files.
We aim for a coherent and consistent code base, thus the coding style detailed here should be followed. Therefore, we follow the PEP 8 style guide for python code.
To ensure that these style guides are followed, we advise using an auto formatter.
We follow the conventional commit guidelines.