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Design Meeting Internal January 21, 2021

Joost van Ulden edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 3 revisions


Once we have the Muni view down then we can open up the designs more broadly

Review of Muni View

  • do we need the threat level control in the map?
    • would be nice to show the individual Risk Threats on the map
    • Philip, controlling the threat display is a good idea, however it would be nice to compare one or two threats.
    • Tiegan, we only have risk data for earthquakes right now so comparison will be hard across threats
  • Aggregation level
    • Sahar we probably want to provide SA
      • Tiegan, we have Dissemination Area data as our lowest level of aggregation
        • Murray we have ~1000 DA’s in City of Vancouver
          • DA level data is more effective at portraying the patterns
          • Being able to draw a polygon on the map and showing an aggregation in the map for that area
          • Malaika, do we have DA for other hazards?
            • Murray, it varies but in general no.
              • wildfires is pretty good
              • flood is not available to us at a detailed aggregation
            • Malaika, I am worried about how planners might respond knowing that the aggregation levels vary to great extent
              • Jamie, this is important
                • Murray, express/show a degree of confidence for a particular threat
  • Jamie, For this view what is the use-case?
    • Karolina, show the high level overview of the risk
      • Perhaps, some guidance on policy or next steps…
        • Jamie, does that data exist?
          • Karolina, it does but needs to be compiled
        • Malaika, I am concerned as this doesn’t serve our mandate
        • Philip, a planner is going to look at this and hire a consultant to validate the national model and then do the engineering work to mitigate
          • NRCan shouldn’t go there, too difficult
            • Policy suggestions would be helpful
            • Jamie, point to existing resources - separate from the data
              • Point to land-use resources
    • Summarize our questions:
      • Do we want maps in the chapters?
        • Yes
      • What spatial summary (resolution) for the map?
        • Dissemination Area (DA)
    • What about the Date Slider?
      • Malaika, Is it useful considering how people are going to use this?
        • Murray, maybe we we hold off and see if it’s required from our other stakeholders
          • we may want to take it out if it’s not found useful
      • Jamie - Do we have projections (in the future) ?
        • Murray, we could but we don’t currently
    • Jamie, do we want maps for each chapter?
      • YES
      • Jamie, so we need to decide how to do this… will work with designers to come up with some options
      • Murray, for everything other than earthquakes we should show a risk matrix in addition to what we have currently in the UX
        • Jamie, I’ll prep something for next week
    • For next week
      • mock up maps for chapters
      • home page
      • review by address view

Chat Notes:

Karolina Pol to Everyone (8:43 AM) 22 census blocks in CoV. Not sure about the more disaggregated units. census areas*

Sahar Safaie to Everyone (8:49 AM) Yes, would have been great to have the data by census areas which are basically neighborhoods and the municipalities use those for their all they do. Each census area consists of many Dissemination area (the resolution of hazard/risk data).

Karolina Pol to Everyone (8:59 AM) I imagine the website will have the functionality to show the data (i.e. risk level) by census area, no? This will be important for local government decision makers.

Malaika Ulmi to Everyone (9:03 AM) Yes, and we have the "by address" that is DA. And then municipality, but do we need to be able to display the Census Area as well?

Sahar Safaie to Everyone (9:03 AM) Its more of a question for Murray and Tiegan if they can aggregate by CA. Which I know it is possible but its extra work.

Malaika Ulmi to Everyone (9:59 AM) Thanks! I've got to go to my next meeting!