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Analytics is a high level monitoring application dedicated to Open Banking APIs. It gives you insight of what is happening in your Open Banking eco-system from a API usage and performance.
It provides high level Key Point Indicators (KPIs). What we mean by this is that it won't provide low level KPIs like Grafana and Prometheus. Analytics uses basic metrics to compute high level KPIs. You can see this Open Banking analytics at the same level of KPIs than Google analytics.
With this application, you will be able to take decisions base on how your Open Banking APIs are evolving.
- PDF exports of specific metrics
- Real time KPIs rendering
- Date filtering
- Export raw data in CSV
- Export list of TPPs in CSV
Analytics display KPIs, which we organised in 5 mains category:
- General Service Usage
- Security
- Read/Write APIs
- Directory
It's the dashboard, providing global KPIs from the overall Open Banking eco-system
- Number of new PSUs
- Number of new TPPs
- Number of user sessions
- Number of endpoint calls by response status
- Number of endpoint calls by Open Banking API versions
- Number of endpoint calls by Open Banking API types
- Number of requests to any endpoints of the sandbox, distributed by week days
- Response times performances to any endpoints
- APIs performances of the overall sandbox for this period
KPIs usages from a TPP point of view. You will get the list of TPPs and how they use/experience the Open Banking APIs
- TPP Origin directory
- TPP Roles
- Number of requests to the Dynamic registration endpoint
- List of TPPs
- APIs performances per TPP
Some APIs are more related to the security aspect of Open Banking.
- Number of access token generated
- Number of Id Token generated
- Number of requests to the /authorise endpoint
- Response times performances of the /authorise endpoint
- Number of requests to the /access_token endpoint
- Response times performances of the /access_token endpoint
- Security APIs performances
The KPIs organised as per the Open Banking UK standard.
- Number of endpoint calls by Open Banking API versions
- New account consents by consent type
- Account access consent activities by status
- Accounts APIs performances
- Number of endpoint calls by Open Banking API versions
- New payments consents by consent type
- Number of payments confirmation of funds by API
- Each different consent status by type of payments
- Payments APIs performances
- Number of endpoint calls by Open Banking API versions
- New confirmation of funds consents by consent type
- Confirmation of Funds consents activities by status
- Confirmation of funds APIs performances
- Number of endpoint calls by Open Banking API versions
- Number of events notification created
- Number of notifications send to TPPss
- Events APIs performances
KPIs related to your directory. You may not have one and therefore this section is not relevant for you. We do also provide a directory capability, that you can find here:
- Number of new organisations
- Number of new software statements
- Number of new SSA
- Number of downloading keys
KPIs related to your centralised JWKMS. The JWKMS application is available here: The JWKMS is an optional application. This section of analytics is therefore not relevant if you don't have a centralised JWKMS
- Number of JWTS generated
- Number of JWTS/Detached signature validated by the JWKMS
- JWKMS APIs performances
We provide two docker images: One of the UI and one for the backend.
If you like, we offer the backend as a spring service side and client side.
By doing your own spring boot wrapper, you will be able to customise the APIs or even add new one.
For Apache Maven:
For Gradle:
compile 'com.forgerock.openbanking.jwkms:forgerock-openbanking-analytics-server'
Client side SDK to push metrics to the analytics server. Use this dependency into your RS, AS or gateway, to push metrics easily to the analytics server.
For Apache Maven:
For Gradle:
compile ''
cd forgerock-openbanking-ui
npm ci
npm --prefix projects/analytics/server ci
mvn clean install
You need four things to have analytics locally:
- mongo, as that's what we use as a database
- the analytics backend, which is a spring app
- the analytics front end, which is an angular app
- the analytics pdf backend, which is a nodejs app
PS: if you use intellij, we shared some run configuration committed to that repo
We created a docker compose to run all the services easily. All you need to do is:
docker-compose up
Note: it transfers a lot of files to the docker and compiles the project from there. Therefore, this is a bit slow to turn up the service the first time.
And once it's done, go to:
The analytics server has REST APIs, allowing your other services to push metrics directly to it. Those APIs are convenient as you can easily integrate them inside your existent Open Banking eco-system.
No, analytics is a separated apps that offers REST APIs. It can therefore integrate with any kind of Open Banking solutions.
- Run first the docker-compose of reference-implementation
# Run all services (this runs also the latest images of analytics-ui and analytics-node
docker-compose --profile all up
# Run only the metrics services
docker-compose --profile metrics up
- Run the below commands only if you are running the profile
of ref-implementation
cd forgerock-openbanking-ui
npm ci
npm run
The user to grant access to analytics must have the roles PUSH_KPI and READ_KPI set in the identity field 'MSISDN Number' on AM