A catalog of common uses of the ojob action.
This oJob.io job allows for check-in changed files following the repository rules. This means that it will try to commit changes first and if not possible it will create a PR with the corresponding branch, It will try to auto-approve and if not possible it will leave it for "human review". In case that a PR cannot be created it will rollback all actions.
contents: write
pull-requests: write
- name: Commit changes
env :
uses: openaf/ojob-action@v7
ojob: "ojob.io/git/hub/contentIn"
args: "message=\"Update files\" title=\"Automated update PR\" paths=\"README.md,changed/path/\" branch=\"${{ github.ref_name }}\""
dist: nightly
See more options, including branch prefix, custom PR body content and others in ojob.io/git/hub/contentIn.
This oJob.io job will use a docker container to scan the provided image with Trivy, summarize the number of critical, high, medium and low issues and produce a SVG banner to be included into a markdown file. The color will depend on the highest severity with issues. It can also generate a YAML file with the Trivy results to drill down for details.
- name: Scan latest
uses: openaf/ojob-action@v7
ojob: 'ojob.io/sec/genSecBadge'
args: 'image=openaf/oaf:latest file=.github/sec-latest.svg reportFile=.github/sec-latest.yaml'
dist: nightly
See more options in ojob.io/sec/genSecBadge
You can also convert the YAML results into a markdown with a fixed-width tree display for easier reading:
- name: Generate sec-latest.md
uses: openaf/ojob-action@v7
ojob: 'ojob.io/util/toMDTree'
args: 'inputFile=.github/sec-latest.yaml file=.github/sec-latest.md'
The result will be something similar to:
On the target markdown file add:
[![generated badge](.github/sec-latest.svg)](.github/sec-latest-md)
Use the "Check In" oJob to commit the generated files
To retrieve the trivy database to cache:
- name: Retrieve trivy java database
uses: openaf/ojob-action@v7
ojob: 'ojob.io/sec/trivy'
args: 'dockerOptions="-v trivy-db:/root/.cache/trivy" options="image --download-java-db-only"'
- name: Retrieve trivy database
uses: openaf/ojob-action@v7
ojob: 'ojob.io/sec/trivy'
args: 'dockerOptions="-v trivy-db:/root/.cache/trivy" options="image --download-db-only"'
- name: Store the trivy databases in cache
run : |
docker run --rm -v trivy-db:/volume -v /tmp/oaf/trivy-db:/backup busybox tar czf /backup/trivy-db.tgz -C /volume .
To restore the trivy database from cache:
- name: Restore the trivy databases from cache
run : |
docker run --rm -v trivy-db:/volume -v /tmp/oaf/trivy-db:/backup busybox tar xzf /backup/trivy-db.tgz -C /volume
You can also write a quick oJob definition to generate a badge with custom values. Here is an example of retriving of extracting the current version from a package.yaml file and creating a badge with it:
- name: Update version badge
uses: openaf/ojob-action@v7
def : |
- Update badge with version
- Badgen
- badgen.yaml
# -------------------------------
- name: Update badge with version
from: Get version
to :
- name: Badgen generate file
labelColor: grey3
color : blue
icon : "openaf_grey.svg"
label : "plugin-XLS"
file : ".github/version.svg"
# -----------------
- name: Get version
exec: args.status = io.readFileYAML(".package.yaml").version
dist: nightly
The result will be similar to:
On the target markdown file add:
![generated badge](.github/version.svg)
Use the "Check In" oJob to commit the generated files