All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.1 (2021-08-31)
1.4.0 (2021-08-31)
- add security banner for non chromium browsers (c3b13c0)
1.3.0 (2021-05-03)
- 🎸 adjust styles of lobby based on design QS (444394e)
- 🎸 disable language detection and set default to de (f224bc6)
- 🎸 event handling for destructed conference by moderator (1fc9ac0)
- 🎸 remove prejoin page styles/logic and add lobby (bd8d366)
- add config.js again to git (0090f1a)
- destroy room when no moderator is present (4909428)
- enable lobby an activate when owner joins (fa3ee94)
- provide modetator based sessions (4e11aa9)
- remove config.js again from git (aeb50a9)
- updated to newest jitsi version and added moderator role (e8745c9)
- 🐛 remove unneeded information in settings panel (4808863)
1.2.0 (2021-03-02)
- 🎸 add share button to toolbar (2b76660)
- 🎸 disable deeplinking to allow mobile browser version (a61236e)
- 🎸 only show share button for initiator of the video call (60c0c92)
- 🐛 adjust spacings (d4b08e0)
- 🐛 toolbar on mobile (c20f339)
- 🐛 toolbar spacing if there is no sharing functionality (8979fdf)
- 🎸 add custom view svg icon (caa0e3a)
- 🎸 add favicon and change title (d63ffd8)
- 🎸 add header, general custom styles and fonts (7220bd8)
- 🎸 add screen sharing option (678be37)
- 🎸 adjust colors and prejoin avatar size (25fcf13)
- 🎸 adjust film strip styles (8bff716)
- 🎸 adjust settings device styles (c8b8f69)
- 🎸 adjust spacing and icon sizes (d1102da)
- 🎸 adjust static folder mapping (f821a6e)
- 🎸 adjust styles (a29228c)
- 🎸 adjust styles on prejoin page and toolbar (8baa5ac)
- 🎸 adjust styling for prejoin page (ae6ee36)
- 🎸 adjust video container display name position (49eab63)
- 🎸 change text in join-call-button on prejoin page (c99c564)
- 🎸 change title of videocall page (e7acafb)
- 🎸 customize settings overlay (c53b6de)
- 🎸 hide toolbar after 5sec (195e02a)
- 🎸 remove black overlay on local video preview (6aa3cee)
- 🎸 remove grant to moderator menu item (5ed03da)
- 🎸 small design adjustments (eee0c51)
- 🎸 small style adjustments (cd719ab)
- activate custom close page (e24741e)
- adapt new hint text (341142b)
- adapt text (2363f1a)
- adapt text (f2d0d03)
- add acme directories (05f7a7e)
- changed timezone to Europe/Berlin (a6b0fe7)
- enable preJoinPage in .env (f98e416)
- extend mapping of files into docker container (c9d0b81)
- improved authError.html (60f8edb)
- improved message in authError.html (33450d6)
- make authError.html externally available for customization (5b226aa)
- move .env to .env.sample and ignore .env (1301f51)