OpenAPI client for node-onesignal
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The OneSignal Node client is a server OneSignal SDK for NodeJS. Integrate OneSignal with your backend events, data, and more.
# yarn
yarn add @onesignal/node-onesignal
# npm
npm install @onesignal/node-onesignal --save
const OneSignal = require('@onesignal/node-onesignal');
import * as OneSignal from '@onesignal/node-onesignal';
We can configure the client using the createConfiguration
function. You can find more info on each configuration
parameter here.
const configuration = OneSignal.createConfiguration(configParams);
const client = new OneSignal.DefaultApi(configuration);
You can configure auth parameters passing them like this:
const configuration = OneSignal.createConfiguration({
userAuthKey: '<YOUR_ORGANIZATION_API_KEY>', // Organization key is only required for creating newΒ apps and other top-level endpoints
restApiKey: '<YOUR_REST_API_KEY>', // App rest api key required for most endpoints
const client = new OneSignal.DefaultApi(configuration);
If creating a new app via the client, the response will return the app's API key via the basic_auth_key
parameter. You can then use this to modify your configuration object and create a new client that will have both user-level and app-level authentication set up.
const response = await client.createApp(newapp);
const configuration = OneSignal.createConfiguration({
restApiKey: response.basic_auth_key,
const client = new OneSignal.DefaultApi(configuration);
See the full list of API Endpoints.
To make stateful changes requests should take on the following pattern:
- create or get an object
- make changes to that object
- pass the object to the request function to make the changes
Examples of important OneSignal objects include App
, Notification
, User
, and Segment
For example, see the section below on creating an app. First an app object is created via the instantiation of the App
class. Then, the app instance is modified directly. Finally, we use the client
to create the app via a remote request.
Creates a new OneSignal app.
const app = new OneSignal.App();
// configure your application = 'app_name';
app.gcm_key = '<your key here>';
app.android_gcm_sender_id = '<your id here>';
const response = await client.createApp(app);
View the details of a single OneSignal app.
const app = await client.getApp('<app id>');
View apps.
const apps = await client.getApps();
Updates the name or configuration settings of an existing OneSignal app.
const app = new OneSignal.App(); = 'modified_app_name';
const udpateAppResponse = await client.updateApp('<existing_app_id>', app);
Sends a notification to your users.
const notification = new OneSignal.Notification();
notification.app_id =;
// Name property may be required in some case, for instance when sending an SMS. = "test_notification_name";
notification.contents = {
en: "Gig'em Ags"
// required for Huawei
notification.headings = {
en: "Gig'em Ags"
const notification = await client.createNotification(notification);
Sends a notification to your users filtered by specific criteria.
const notification = new OneSignal.Notification();
notification.app_id =;
notification.contents = {
en: "Gig'em Ags"
// required for Huawei
notification.headings = {
en: "Gig'em Ags"
// Find all the users that have not spent any amount in USD on IAP.
notification.filters = [
field: 'amount_spent',
relation: '=',
value: "0"
const notification = await client.createNotification(notification);
Stop a scheduled or currently outgoing notification.
const cancelNotificationResponse = await client.cancelNotification('<app id>', '<notification id>');
View the details of a single notification and outcomes associated with it.
await client.getNotification('<app id>', '<notification id>');
View the details of multiple notifications.
Param | Type | Description |
app_id | string | The OneSignal App ID for your app. Available in Keys & IDs. |
limit | string | How many notifications to return. Max is 50. Default is 50. |
offset | number | Page offset. Default is 0. Results are sorted by queued_at in descending order. queued_at is a representation of the time that the notification was queued at. |
kind | number | Kind of notifications returned: * unset - All notification types (default) * 0 - Dashboard only * 1 - API only * 3 - Automated only |
const notifications = await client.getNotifications('<app id>', '50', 0, 1);
View the devices sent a message - OneSignal Paid Plan Required
This method will return all devices that were sent the given notification_id
of an Email or Push Notification if used
within 7 days of the date sent.
const notificationHistory = await client.getNotificationHistory('<notification id>');
Create segments visible and usable in the dashboard and API - Required: OneSignal Paid Plan
const segment = new OneSignal.Segment();
segment.filters = [
{ field: 'session_count', relation: '>', value: '1' },
{ field: 'tag', key: 'my_tag', relation: 'exists' }
const segment = await client.createSegments(, segment);
Delete segments (not user devices) - Required: OneSignal Paid Plan
You can delete a segment under your app by calling this API. You must provide an API key in the Authorization header
that has admin access on the app.
The segment_id
can be found in the URL of the segment when viewing it in the dashboard.
const deleteSegmentsResponse = await client.deleteSegments('<app id>', '<segment id>');
Add a device.
const player = new OneSignal.Player();
player.device_type = 1;
player.app_id = app_id;
player.identifier = '<identifier>';
const player = await client.createPlayer(player);
View the details of an existing device in one of your OneSignal apps.
The email and the hash is only required if you have enabled Identity Verification and device_type
is email.
const player = await client.getPlayer('<app id>', '<player id>', '<email auth hash>');
View the details of multiple devices in one of your OneSignal apps.
Param | Type | Description |
app_id | string | The OneSignal App ID for your app. Available in Keys & IDs. |
limit | string | How many devices to return. Max is 300. Default is 300 |
offset | number | Result offset. Default is 0. Results are sorted by id; |
const players = await client.getPlayers('<app id>', '300', 0);
Generate a compressed CSV export of all of your current user data. This method can be used to generate a compressed CSV export of all of your existing user data and is a better alternative to retrieving this data using the /players API endpoint.
const exportPlayerResponse = await client.exportPlayer('<app id>', {
extra_fields: ['location', 'external_user_id'],
last_active_since: 1469392779,
segment_name: "Subscribed Users"
Update an existing device in one of your OneSignal apps.
const updatePlayerResponse = await client.updatePlayer('<player id>', player);
Update an existing device's tags in one of your OneSignal apps using the External User ID.
const playerToUpdate = new OneSignal.Player();
player.app_id = APP_ID;
player.device_type = 1;
playerToUpdate.external_user_id = 'your_player_external_id'; // setting the same external_user_id as before
const updatePlayerTagsRequestBody = new OneSignal.UpdatePlayerTagsRequestBody();
updatePlayerTagsRequestBody.tags = {'typescript_test_tag': 1};
const updatePlayerResponse = await api.updatePlayerTags(APP_ID, PLAYER_EXTERNAL_USER_ID, updatePlayerTagsRequestBody);
To delete a tag, include its key and set its value to blank (""). Omitting a key/value will not delete it.
For example, if you wanted to delete two existing tags rank and category while simultaneously adding a new tag class, the tags JSON would look like the following:
"tags": {
"rank": "",
"category": "",
"class": "my_new_value"
Deletes a user record.
const deletePlayerResponse = await client.deletePlayer(, '<player id>')
View the details of all the outcomes associated with your app.
π§ Requires your OneSignal App's REST API Key, available in Keys & IDs π§
Outcome data are accessible for 30 days before being deleted from our servers. You can export this data monthly if you need it for a more extended period.
Param | Type | Description |
app_id | string | The OneSignal App ID for your app. Available in Keys & IDs. |
outcome_names | string | Required Comma-separated list of names and the value (sum/count) for the returned outcome data. Note: Clicks only support count aggregation. For out-of-the-box OneSignal outcomes such as click and session duration, please use the βosβ prefix with two underscores. For other outcomes, please use the name specified by the user. Example:os__session_duration.count,os__click.count,CustomOutcomeName.sum |
outcome_names2 | string | If outcome names contain any commas, then please specify only one value at a time. Example: outcome_names[]=os__click.count&outcome_names[]=Sales, Purchase.count where βSales, Purchaseβ is the custom outcomes with a comma in the name. |
outcome_time_range | string | Optional Time range for the returned data. The values can be 1h (for the last 1 hour data), 1d (for the last 1 day data), or 1mo (for the last 1 month data). Default is 1h if the parameter is omitted. |
outcome_platforms | string | Optional Platform id. Refer device's platform ids for values. Example: outcome_platform=0 for iOS outcome_platform=7 , 8 for Safari and Firefox Default is data from all platforms if the parameter is omitted. |
outcome_attribution | string | Optional Attribution type for the outcomes. The values can be direct or influenced or unattributed. Example: outcome_attribution=direct Default is total (returns direct+influenced+unattributed) if the parameter is omitted. |
const outcomes = await client.getOutcomes(, 'os__click.count,os_session_duration.count,my_outcome.sum');
Starts a Live Activity event
// Create a player first
const player = new OneSignal.Player();
player.device_type = 0;
player.app_id = '<app id>';
const playerResponse = await api.createPlayer(player);
// Prepare a request
const beginLiveActivityRequest: BeginLiveActivityRequest = {
push_token: '<push_token>',
const activityId = '<activity_id>'; // any string
// Begin activity
await api.beginLiveActivity('<app_id>', activityId, beginLiveActivityRequest);
Updates a Live Activity event
const updateLiveActivityRequest: UpdateLiveActivityRequest = {
event_updates: {
data: 'test'
event: "update",
name: "contents"
await api.updateLiveActivity('<app_id>', '<activity_id>', updateLiveActivityRequest);
Stops a Live Activity event
const subscriptionId = '<subscription_id>'; // player id
await api.endLiveActivity('<app_id>', '<activity_id>', subscriptionId);
- iOSPush
- AndroidPush
- FireOSPush
- ChromeExtensionPush
- ChromePush
- WindowsPush
- SafariLegacyPush
- FirefoxPush
- macOSPush
- HuaweiPush
- SafariPush
const user = new OneSignal.User();
const aliasLabel = '<alias_label>';
const aliasId = '<alias_id>';
const subscriptionToken = '<subscription_token>';
user.identity = {
[aliasLabel]: aliasId,
user.subscriptions = [
type: "iOSPush",
token: subscriptionToken,
const createdUser = await api.createUser('<app_id>', user);
assert(createdUser.identity!['onesignal_id'] != null);
const oneisgnalAliasLabel = "onesignal_id";
const onesignalAliasId = createdUser.identity!['onesignal_id'];
const fetchedUser = await api.fetchUser('<app_id>', oneisgnalAliasLabel, onesignalAliasId);
const fetchedUser = await api.fetchUser('<app_id>', alias_label, alias_id);
const updateUserRequest: UpdateUserRequest = {
properties: {
language: 'fr'
const updatedUser = await api.updateUser('<app_id>', aliasLabel, aliasId, updateUserRequest);
await api.deleteUser('<app_id>', aliasLabel, aliasId);
const createSubscriptionRequestBody: CreateSubscriptionRequestBody = {
subscription: {
type: "AndroidPush",
token: '<subscription_token>',
const response = await api.createSubscription('<app_id>', '<alias_label>', '<alias_id>', createSubscriptionRequestBody);
const updateSubscriptionRequestBody: UpdateSubscriptionRequestBody = {
subscription: {
type: "iOSPush",
token: '<new-subscription-token>',
await api.updateSubscription('<app_id>', '<existing_subscription_id>', updateSubscriptionRequestBody);
await api.deleteSubscription('<app_id>', '<subscription_id>');
Transfers the subscription from one user to another.
// Setting the user for transfering the subscription to. User is identyfied by an IdentityObject.
const transferSubscriptionRequestBody: TransferSubscriptionRequestBody = {
identity: otherUserIdentityObject
const transferResponse = await api.transferSubscription('<app_id>', '<subscription_id>', transferSubscriptionRequestBody);
const fetchResponse = await api.fetchAliases('<app_id>', '<subscription_id>');
const fetchResponse = await api.fetchUserIdentity('<app_id>', '<alias_label>', '<alias_id>');
const userIdentityRequestBody: UserIdentityRequestBody = {
identity: {
['<new_alias_label>']: '<new_alias_id>'
const identifyResponse = await api.identifyUserByAlias('<app_id>',
const userIdentityRequestBody: UserIdentityRequestBody = {
identity: {
['<new_alias_label>']: '<new_alias_id>'
const identifyResponse = await api.identifyUserBySubscriptionId('<app_id>', '<existing_subscription_id>', userIdentityRequestBody);
await api.deleteAlias('<app_id>', '<alias_label>', '<alias_id>', '<alias_label_to_delete>');
- Website:
- Twitter: @onesignal
- Github: @OneSignal
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
Copyright Β© 2023 OneSignal.
This project is MIT licensed.