Omiya Games
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- template-unity-package Public template
A Github template for creating a new Unity Package. Hit the green "User this template" next to "Clone or download" to get started!
- omiya-games-embed-webgl-template Public
A Unity WebGL template that can be imported to your own project and be used to create WebGL games that automatically resizes itself to fit within the bounds of the web portal embedding, including fullscreen resize support.
- omiya-games-global Public
A group of scripts and abstract classes that helps setup a globally-accessible data.
- omiya-games-builds Public
Multiplatform Build Settings is an Unity tool for building to multiple platforms at once, each with their own unique settings.
- template-unity-project Public
This is a template Unity project Omiya Games uses to start their game project.
- unity-native-sharing Public Forked from NicholasSheehan/Unity-Native-Sharing
A Unity plugin to open native sharing dialogs on iOS and Android, primarily for sharing screenshots.