Reading 3:
chapter 2 about basic instructions Array, store list of values Colors=['red','black']; var colors = new Array('red'); Colors[0];=>(red)
if else statement checks a condition, one set if is true another set if false. Switch statements: starts with a variable (switch value) and the code should run. Truthy and Falsy values: Falsy values false(0) Falsy values false(1)
loops return true until the conditions return false.
-For -While -Do while
Comparison operators (===, ! ==, ==, ! =, <, >, <=, =>) are used to compare two operands. Logical operators allow you to combine more than one set of comparison operators. if ... else statements allow you to run one set of code. switch statements allow you to compare a value against possible outcomes (and also provides a default option if none match). Data types can be coerced from one type to another.
-Ordered lists are lists where each item in the list is numbered. -Unordered lists are lists that begin with a bullet point -Definition lists are made up of a set of terms along with the definitions for each of those terms.
lists can be nested.
Every box has: -Border -Margin -padding