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React Native F.A.Q.


Run npm install react-native-faq or yarn add react-native-faq

See it in action!

react-native-faq SNACK example



It renders and array of questions each question should be defined according the Question Component.


//Define some questions
const questions = [{
  question: "How can I help you?",
       reply: "You have several options to choose:",
       bullets: bullets,
       actionText: "I'm ready to help!",
       onClick: action_example

// Render a FAQ component

<FAQ questions=questions />
prop type default description
containerStyle object "{}" Style for the main View Component of the F.A.Q. This view contains the title and questions container
titleContainerStyle object "{}" Style for the View component title container
titleStyle object "{ fontSize: 30, textAlign: 'center'}" Style for the Text component containing the title
title string `` A string for the title of the FAQ
questions array `` An array containing the Questions to be rendered.
questionContainerStyle object "{}" styles for the View component questions container.


Ideally to be render as an array inside the F.A.Q. component, but can be render alone just.

Here you have an example for the definition of a simple Question:

//First define some bullets
  const bullets = [
    "you could say hello",
    "Open an issue",
    "making a pull request",
    "or give me more ideas to improve this component"]
//Then definy an action (WebBroser is a method from ["expo"](

const action_example = () => {

//Wrap up everything in your quesstion props
const  props  = {
       question: "How can I help you?",
       reply: "You have several options to choose:",
       bullets: bullets,
       actionText: "I'm ready to help!",
       onClick: action_example}

//Finally render your question 

<Question  {...props} />
prop type default description
bullets array "null" An array of strings containing the aditional bullets for the Questions.
bulletStyle object "{ marginLeft: \"10%\"}" Each bullet is made of a Text component, use this props to style all bullets.
actionText string `` An string inside a Text component for the title.
containerStyle object "{ backgroundColor: \"lightgrey\", margin: 2, borderRadius: 5}" Main Question View component style.
actionStyle object "{ backgroundColor: \"black\", borderRadius: 5, margin: 5}" Question action button style container It's a Touchable Opacity component containing a Text component
actionTextStyle object "{ fontSize: 30, textAlign: \"center\"}" Text component style for the Question title
replyStyle object "{ fontSize: 15}" Question reply container style
titleStyle object "{ fontSize: 20}" Question title container style
onClick func "null" onClick prop: Can be any function you want to trigger.


A working example for an expo project

import * as React from 'react';
import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { Constants, WebBrowser } from 'expo';
import { FAQ, Question } from './components/Question'

// define some bullets
const bullets = [
    'you could say hello',
    'Open an issue',
    'making a pull request',
    'or give me more ideas to improve this component'
// define an action
const action_example = () => {

const goTo = (link) => {

const questions = [
        question: "How can I help you?",
        reply: "You have several options to choose:",
        bullets: bullets,
        actionText: "I'm ready to help!",
        onClick: action_example
        question: "Don't you know how to start?",
        reply: "Open a GitHub account and chat whit me",
        actionText: "Sure! Take me there!",
        onClick: () => goTo(''),

// or any pure javascript modules available in npm
import { Card } from 'react-native-paper';

export default class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <View style={styles.container}>

                    <Text style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>You can load a complete F.A.Q.</Text>



                    <Text style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>Or add your questions one by one</Text>
                        question="Is it possible to add just one question?"
                        reply="Of course, here you have an example"
                        actionText="Sure! Take me there!"
                        onClick={() => goTo('')}


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: 'space-evenly',
        paddingTop: Constants.statusBarHeight,
        backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1',
        padding: 8,


React Native F.A.Q component






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