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This is the README for this extension .


Trigger Snippet
rget Route::get('','')->name();
rpost Route::post('','');
rv return view()->with();
sg Session::get('');
seh Session::has('');
sput Session::put('',$variable);
authattempt Create Complete Auth Attempt
logout Create a Complete Logout Function
mail Mail::to('')->send(new MailClass());
mcreate Model::create([]);
mselect Model::all();
mupdate Model::where()->update([]);
dbselect DB::table('')->select()->get();
dbinsert DB::table('')->insert([]);
dbupdate DB::table('')->where()->update([]);
index Create Index Function
create Make Create Function
store Create Store Function
update Create Update Function
show Create Show Function
edit Create Edit Function
destroy Create Destroy Function
pt protected $table = '';
pfill protected $fillable = [];
pall protected $table = ''; protected $fillable = [];

Known Issues

Thats My first extention. So,Please help me to more better.

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Release Notes


Initial release of ...

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