The goal of ecopiapi is to Get, post, patch data from the ecop API.
Find the full documentation here:
You can install the development version of ecopiapi from GitHub with: You will need your Github PAT for authentication (privat repo).
Install a specific version
devtools::install_github("OekoFor/ecopiapi@0.1.3", auth_token = {GITHUB_PAT})
OR Install the latest commit from the main branch
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("OekoFor/ecopiapi", auth_token = {GITHUB_PAT})
To interact with the API, you need a valid key. It is recommended to
store it as an environmental variable in .Renviron
in the root
directory of th project. The envar must be named ECOPI_API_KEY
get_detections_list(params = list("project_name" = "017_neeri", "datetime__month" = 3))
get_latest_detections_by_project(project_name = "017_neeri")
get_latest_detections_by_recorder(recorder_name = "00000000d76d0bf9")
get_latest_detections_by_recordergroup(project_name = "053_sion", recordergroup_name = "lapwing")
get_recordings_list(params = list("project_name" = "017_neeri", "datetime__month" = 3))