- e5d8d5a Merge branch 'develop'
- 1fd210f Bump version
- 7212b3e Kill the process if it fails
- d082433 The urls were wrong in the pipeline
- 1575e65 Fix title xml
- 3d69814 Make the azure pipeline output more tail-like
- 23911bf Fix the azure build pipeline
- 5257ed7 Update testobstacle to be obstacle
- 4f2b306 Update gitignore
- d640d8b Add files
See more
- e9bae8c Fix xml for the createpack
- b9a2ebb Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
- 5d8a2ea Dont display goals
- 2f83a74 Allow to put cp as goals in the validation
- 8d5d0ca Stuff
- f15a977 Add a ui widget to see the player's keys!
- 2656a48 Fix markers :D
- 03cfad5 Null Check for offline
- f4325ed Display warmup chrono in orange
- aad29fb Add invisible skin
- 1cda5eb Fix score error / null access
- 0749d76 Dont depend on C_Mode_Obstacle yet
- 89a1858 Fix error of too many request in the records widget
- 968bf3a Fix restarting from cp0
- d413ee6 Add a minimum number of players to start a map
- 2d775fc Fix point limit
- 6b6d93f Yay invisible skin!
- 3e865ce Add skins directory
- 6f3c613 Add a help text for the respawn behavior
- 1e1ce09 Fix z-index with blocks selector
- 0985c1d Clicking the records widget opens the map page on the website
- 5d6dd6a Switch the labels in cp progress widget
- b7159a5 Adds more null checks
- cd6f049 Add points repartition for Sprint
- a12f02b Actually send the map to the API
- 4943606 Fix point limit in Sprint
- 984043a Update sprint
- 4a626f4 Add invisible skin
- 8d1eb07 Fix spectator count invalid access to Null
- 221c029 Allow editable records messages
- 962cfe7 Fix/Update items UI in-game/map-editor
- 1d5d21d Fix enabled
- acef311 Fix spectator count
- 444d67a Enable landmarks by default
- 42d7827 Improve the contrast in the map editor UI
- 18d1807 Add unlimited time limit
- 41fa843 Hide next map vote when it is disabled
- 1ad255c Hide spectator count when there isnt any
- 4fee157 Add a setting to disable records
- e44b32f Remove unnecessary code
- 2b0b143 Check if landmarks are enabled
- 1dbff0a Consider CP type 2 as goals
- a6a69f0 Fix portals and medals
- 8374255 Few tweaks on the Sprint script
- d7cb8bf This should be extracted from the Obstacle Lib
- 367feb2 Remove the speedometers from the UI because it crashes
- 3aef8e2 Update the format of the xml config file for MP4.1
- eb3fcc5 Split the UI into different files and move all constants in a file
- 5549b7d Remove unnecessary files (nadeo libs and base modes)
- fe76b1a Fix cp portals progress
- 1bf4b3a Change design of markers
- 1b54e78 Show 321GO again
- 8332891 v1.3
- 9a3074b Init player even if they dont want to play
- c6d9abd Hide markers by default
- 484d850 Fix lag issue
- c53c538 API is now only responsible for sending records
- 7791dfb Records widget now do client-side http request
- 3aed518 Respawn player if he has invalid time on landmark
- 0930762 Rewrite of the markers system
- cb84567 Update README.md
- 5a8536d Update Maker files
- 509ca64 Change default user for testing
- 6437c1b tp shit
- 6d888a5 Replace tabs with spaces
- a3ed131 Todo list
- 35e70d5 Make respawn faster
- f0c8ad6 update readme
- 389c025 update readme formatting
- dfb2b6c Stamina update
- 77faf3b Add validation to the map type
- d6f9d68 map type update
- 0ce772f New maptype beta test!
- 8574776 map type update
- 25b2a42 Change map type windows to column
- ec7a4f7 New maptype in progress
- 6fb85f5 Nadeo's main menu
- 8c55498 Update xml to test solo
- 0532641 Fix unlimited rox bug xd
- 3317b1e line ending ??
- 17b050b Fix the index error
- dc0a8fd Removed from git
- 6f1085d ignore
- b28bea6 Ammo fillup without hacking item effects
- 0fa8a0d I forgot to remove that line
- 087f528 Modified the base mode to remove unnecessary MatchMaking code
- 91ef1e2 Remove steeffeen's files
- c43940f Fix pagers order
- 12ff850 Use ModeShootmania again but with modifications to enable solo
- 30ebf23 Added callbacks
- 8c13022 line endings
- 39500fa Update records faster when changing target
- 079a632 Fix f5 bug
- a02f328 Prepare advanced cps
- 3a451ec Make it an include file
- 188721f Prototype for the new maptype
- 849e6dd Rename and separate some functions
- 91f5f3e Remove unnecessary imports
- 4aaed54 Attempt to fix cp progress bug when jumping
- 10655d8 Change the parent script to remove matchmaking
- ff25280 alphatest
- 6361904 Revert "Remove unnecessary scripts"
- 8fd7b2a Fix the records widgets with CustomUI
- 708a14f Update RS counter when player finishes
- 7fd9689 What the hell did i do here
- 0a44d61 Use new player lib in items too
- c1d5e66 Make orderless cp works for real
- 21b9489 Remove testing
- d595503 Fix out of bounds access with orderless cps
- 7aa12a7 Change the look of UI
- 15fa9fa Use to CPTimes lib
- 41af024 Update scoresboard between maps when initiliazing player
- caa5ccc Fix an issue causing the serv to crash
- 33653e4 New cp times lib
- 4db636f Update player tools
- f117661 Edit timediff ui
- af70323 Remove unnecessary files
- 00cc2ff Update manialinks
- bda6594 Attempt to fix cp times ranking
- dd091ae Moved the password from source to a private file
- 3da301f Remove some logs
- 89299a3 Ignore ObstacleReborn and private files
- ee7ec2d Manialink update
- 855307a Add two columns records in script
- 3bccc18 Make message more user-friendly
- 6ad59a7 Changed scoresboard background
- 8ea331c Make two column records
- 25007ea Fix regression where scoresboard is not updated
- fdc7454 Edit records list
- 2217aca Add Chat messages to announce records
- d378084 Remove unnecessary scripts
- 62660ab Change ui a bit
- fd738b5 It wont work otherwise
- 02ca048 Wrap the records widget to support CustomUI
- 4ff7f54 Move ObstacleAlpha to Obstacle
- 2a37732 Set manialink to include mode
- ab7a7d4 TitlePack Maker things
- 58b99b9 Add a list of all records
- 4d40b82 Prepare chat messages for records
- 5ac3349 Nothing changed
- 832db5b Enable mods
- f299f93 Remove scoresboard manialink file
- ad0d93f Refactor and comments
- 36ed7ee Start developping 1.2
- f2913ea Created Player library
- de552a9 Simplify redundant code
- b6d6a6e New settings and first person camera
- 209d5e0 Update records to fetch them asynchronously
- a552ca0 Fix unordered cp maps/Dont submit jumped cp times
- 76914ef Dont count custom checkpoints yet
- c84198d Should fix request loop
- da27433 Remove unnecessary log function
- d42f499 Fix bug introduced in #1f8bbf2dce696b4d24d43c56f6e2d325f6d94a3b
- 40dce7c Remove logs
- a7895b8 Merge branch 'release/1.1'
- 3d79635 Merge branch 'release/1.1' into develop
- d19bac4 Version bump
- 96c891c Fix jump behavior
- 451c8c1 Tweak some colors
- 1993f9d Add the ability to change title with script settings
- b3c043c Fix issued when items buffs is displayed after respawning
- 1f8bbf2 Fix bug where player progression was not reset between maps
- b821356 Update .gitignore
- 12608f9 Change records widget position
- a45536a Fix weapon ammo crash
- 974dd82 Display checkpoint warning on previous cps too
- a7cfca5 Clean minors things
- ec8240d Added f3 vote
- 0733c70 Fix items buff display duration
- 015de74 Sanitize inputs
- 3e61ccf Init items before UI
- 3754260 Merge pull request #5 from Vincent-P/add-license-1
- 0f160b2 Create LICENSE
- b4798a2 Fix two runtime errors
- 4a01e9a Fix portal markers
- e47d42a Remove old map fast rs setting
- df684f8 Update widget every 2 sec
- c8408f3 Update records only for players
- 929047a Make this part more readable
- 9388f8f Fix a bug where we skip last record
- 129873d "Fix" fast respawn on old maps, still crashes if poles
- 7344868 Update rank based on every player
- 9fb4f17 Fix run time comparison
- cd47635 Fix crash loop
- a36277d Fix too many Http requests
- 051b317 Fix XmlDocument error [ #4 ]
- 88c7c9e Put a timeout for each requests
- a2f9fa5 Update Manialink to use net vars
- 9c8ea84 UI Improvments
- 7795368 New records manialink HYPE!!
- edb7745 Move scoresboard a bit
- a38fd5b Add the ability to get records from API
- e728ce9 Fix respawn [ #2 ]
- 95ea52f Initialize player who join as spectator
- ee4300f Fix jump when skipping maps
- a9b75cd Useless expression
- 36aea0e Fix GetPlayerRank moved to Tools
- 7c7a606 Implement CP Times
- 224b1dc Formatting
- 389a6e0 Implement locked restart
- 6852d82 Implement API
- c05ec36 Implement jump
- 2868ad7 Formatting
- bff833f GetPlayerRank moved to Tools
- 53ade6c Add Records API
- ccbc9a8 Titlepack shit
- 41f52f1 Add maptype to support cp0 only
- 6968486 Renaming files
- abd0a08 UI Changes
- 42d6c52 README
- 985931e images
- da7b211 Alpha
- ac237e6 Fix map skipping
- 773851f Add animated background
- fc7b730 Fix f3/f4 bindings
- 19822e5 First commit
- fe3aff9 git ignore
This list of changes was auto generated.