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Setup Local Shepherd

Mark Denihan edited this page May 18, 2015 · 9 revisions
  1. Make sure you have the git repositories for the OwaspSecurityShepherd project
  2. Install Tomcat (Port 8080 is default)
  3. Install MySQL
  4. Update the SecurityShepherdCore/site/WEB-INF/ file to reflect your local DB username and password (DO NOT COMMIT THESE CHANGES)
  5. Update the "tomcat" property in SecurityShepherdCore/build.xml to be the "webapps" directory of your Tomcat deployment (DO NOT COMMIT THESE CHANGES)
  6. Run the SecurityShepherdCore/database/coreSchema.sql and SecurityShepherdCore/database/moduleSchemas.sql in your MySQL server as a root user
  7. Through eclipse, run the ant build script "build.xml". This will compile the application into a .WAR file and place it in your tomcat webapps directory. Tomcat will know what to do with it
  8. Navigate to to see Shepherd running (Or whatever port you configured Tomcat to operate on)
  9. Sign in with default username and password (admin/password), and change the password.