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Jindrich Mynarz edited this page Apr 26, 2013 · 8 revisions

Abstract data model

Based on the analysis of the domain of job market the following abstract data model was proposed.

Abstract data model

Public data model

The elements of the abstract data model were mapped to existing vocabulary terms, mainly from, and newly created ones that form a part of a extension proposal.

Public data model

Internal data model

For the internal purposes of the application for matching job postings with job seekers the public data model was supplied with additional vocabulary terms.

Internal data model

Terms in the data model come from the following namespaces:

  • Many terms are taken from the vocabulary. (These terms are used without a prefix in this reference, e.g., ContactPoint).
  • Job market extension for We propose an extension to targeted to the job market. These terms are marked with *, e.g., Compensation*.
  • DámePrá Terms prefixed with damepraci: come from an internal application vocabulary, e.g., damepraci:feature.
  • Dublin Core: A few terms are re-used from the Dublin Core Terms vocabulary and prefixed with dcterms, e.g., dcterms:valid.
  • XML Schema Datatypes: Data types for literal value ranges are re-used from XML Schema and prefixed with xsd, e.g., xsd:integer.
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