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Vocabulary Metadata

Aliaksei Katyshou edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 21 revisions

Vocabulary Metadata


For Vocabularies, additional metadata is introduced, which is stored in two tables:

  • concept_metadata (stores metadata for concepts)
  • concept_relationship_metadata (stores metadata for a relationship between two concepts)

concept_metadata table

The concept_metadata table stores metadata for each concept from the concept table.

The link between the concept table and the concept_metadata table is carried out by the concept_id field.

Table 1. Structure of the concept_metadata table

Field Data Type Nullable Accepted values Description
concept_id INT No Foreign key to the concept table
concept_category VARCHAR (20) Yes NULL, A, SA, SC, M, J

A – attribute of a clinical event rather than event itself (e.g. Dose Form, Brand Name) in a reference terminology (e.g., RxNorm Extension). Non-standard by design.

SA – attribute of a clinical event in a source vocabulary. Should be mapped to A in the reference terminology.

SC – source classification term in traditionally non-standard vocabularies.

M – metadata (e.g. SNOMED relationships and models).

J – junk codes (cannot be mapped due to incompatibility with OMOP model). Include flavors of NULL, codes not in scope, etc.

If the concept can be mapped and is not mapped, it SHOULD be mapped. Otherwise it is a junk (non-mappable) and SHOULD NOT be mapped
reuse_status VARCHAR (20) Yes NULL, RF, RP,R NULL - reuse either not assessed or not detected

F - name of a concept in concept table is historical (actual name is unavailable in concept)

P - name of a concept in concept table is the actual (historical name is unavailable in concept)

concept_relationship_metadata table

The concept_relationship_metadata table stores metadata for each relationship between concepts from the concept_relationship table.

The link between the concept_relationship table and the concept_relationship_metadata table is carried out by the concept_id_1, concept_id_2 and relationship_id fields.

Table 2. Structure of the concept_relationship_metadata table

Field Data Type Nullable Accepted values Description
concept_id_1 INT NO Foreign key to the concept_relationship table
concept_id_2 INT NO
relationship_id VARCHAR(20) NO
relationship_predicate_id VARCHAR(20) Yes eq, up, down
relationship_group INT Yes 1, 2, 3, NULL Int values, indicating logical group of relationships
mapping_source VARCHAR(50) Yes UMLS; MEDDRA - SNOMED, etc. Indicate the source of mapping candidates.
confidence INT Yes 0 - 1 The strength of evidence, how confident you are in mappings
mapping_tool VARCHAR(50) Yes BuildRxE; AM; custom BuildRxE

AM refers to automapping, custom BuildRxE refers to custom scripts used in some ETL Projects.
Only used to indicate any sort of automation. Leave this field empty if you are mapping manually.
mapper VARCHAR(50) Yes OZ; AD; VK, etc. The person who performed the mapping.
reviewer VARCHAR(50) Yes OZ; AD; VK, etc. The person who performed the review.


The DDL script to create concept_metadata and concept_relationship metadata tables can be found in the GitHub repository:
DevV5_Metadata_DDL.sql at OHDSI/Vocabulary-v5.0

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